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Show Tbeeinarleeeaof eawtariee In verlone -cnanirlM ehowt thai lirlgstloe aelr It j often aaperlorta rata water la tbt Hear ) J riea grater qaantttkM of pleat food. Pood and iimo water ia hwesld refloat ara efta rich la altra'et, whioh ara lha asmt eoetljr eaj etluaalallog fertiliser. The sarlsoa water eftbt aria1 raglea ara alee aoubljr risk la aotaeh aad other al-wabl al-wabl IngredlsaU. Ha dowel la steay lattaaoM Irrlgstloa watar, eirevt tkat which eonee Irue valla, la worth la euanarlal eontaal at Bach aa II aoal to aacura It, lesvlag lea mar obivloua hee- 1 4ia eat gale. 1 ' i Tba tagfatloa hea baaa aade thai y a-allwaya might atillte the veeaat spare 'oJaag thalr rlghat nl war ajr planting reee, to ba tuberejaeatly arad fur poata fj and IIm In tka adjacent track. Whlla hlt may be aoeaibla, toa limited eiteat, where the rlht of way le oa eUvel, ual-$ ual-$ form grade Irse froaa recka aad dllchaa, 4 ad whert etltlratloa far tba Irat tbraa yaare mar thsreloee ba pnaaibia, It teams ? anliksly lhaloae of twe row of traaa, 4bat grown, would ba abla ta eraata auf- l klat ahada to keep, oat weeds aad un- dsrgrowlh, which latlar would aalerally ; acta a chork to the development of thr liaaa themietvei. la olhar words, a ; "loraat lour" aould aot aa formed, aad It la eonbtfal whether aaoa a tyatan ol planting would field eailefeolory raaulla ' n Irosa a praaUaal ateadpvlal. Tba PetD-ri PetD-ri " eylvanls railroad (J. A V. 41.), triad tha f iparlBntot (rawing Catalan treea along ' the right ol way for ahada raihar fur tlsbar purpoaM. Tha result wat but a partial sucetes. , j, j . Tba lollewlng froaa a raroat Issue ol h BlchaVId Raapar ia worth tba attan-aloiiof attan-aloiiof tka parenta of arbtol children : " Thar l a might bad habit that aona 1 roplitillcllDgoa U that of auning anllJraa to achool a aioalh or ail aaaka altar tha Urabaglaa. It did aotaatlar I aoauoh lntbaoldaaltdaaaaoa Than f th ouuraH ol atudf ara plaunad an Uiat ' a time la loat all througb tha dltulct ' ajhaol Jariolaohlld. II a paraat ia an poor that ha oawla tha halpof hi off- ; iprlai lot hla a 4 tbaa to bool at . . ail. aaod than ragularljrarary daf till , , thajr ara 14 and thaa ka Iham oat for a yaaror twoo that 'bajrean halp. Aa -aaiaat la a ooamunlijr, adooatora bara j i daducad thlarula that holda good ia , aaarlf avarr avarjroaaai "Aa araraaw ' faulljr that atarta IU ablldraa to ai-hnol . tat In tba fall, aonda than Irragularlf 1 during tha winter, takaa than out aarljr ' ia th aptlug will not produoa aura than I oaa piofraaaira oltiiaa la a lat nf flva. A family that atarta iia ohiUlraa to aobool aarlr.aanda tbaa ataadjr all wla- IUr kaap tbaa in aobaol till tba eloaa ol Uia ;aar will nat bara orar oaa aon pro-graaaira pro-graaaira chil out ol ira." |