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Show "s V I 5 "if- - wm q? V- y vA"1. - As AN ITALIAN CAPTAIN Cured by i I of Catarrh of the Pe-ru:- na Stomach After Doctors Failed. The following letter from' CongressBoar J. Dr Botkin, Congressman man Botkin speak for itself: IIovbk or Biprshkntativss, ) from Kansas Writes an interesting ) Washington, D. C. -- r Utter, 1 Dr. 3. B. H art an, Coluro bus, O, r;--: My Dear Doctor It gives me pleasure to certify to the excel lent curative qual- ities of your icines Peruna and Manalin. 1 med- hare been af- flicted more or Jess for a quarter of a century with catarrh of the stomach and con- stipation. dence in ington A resi- creased troubles, bottles of your CAPTAIN tt medicine have given me almost complete relief, and I am sure that a continuation of them will effect a permanent care. Peruna ia surely a wonderful remedy for catarrhal affections J, D. Botkin. This is a case of catarrh of the stomach which had run for twenty-fiv- e years, according to hit statement, and Peruna has at once come to hie relief, promptly accomplishing for him more benefit than he had been able fo find in all other remedies during a quarter of a century. It stands to reason thst a man of wealth and influence, like a Congressman of the great United Mates. has left no ordinary means untried and no stone unturned to find s cure. , If such cures as these do not verify the claim not only that dyspepsia is due to catarrh of the stomach, but also that Peruna w ill cure catarrh of the stomach, it is impossible to imagine how any evidence could do so. If yon do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of jour case, and he will e be pleased to give you his valuable BEBTOLETTO, Cspt&inO. Bertoletto of the Italian Barque Llneelles, iu a recent letter from th chief officer of the Italian Barque - Lineellea, Pensacola,. Fla, write: Fulfillment of a Dream. Corresponding to the Greek templft Where th gods appeared to sleeping Visitors and gave them advice,, there y Is in China, near Swatow, a place called Lily Mountain, on top ol which Is the shrine of a god known at th Common Ancestors Hero many persona go after a three-dayfast and paas tbe ninth night of the ninth month awaiting prophetic dreams, A scholar thus slept and had a Vision ol a man bringing htm a pair of boott Since 'boots are worn by none but graduate aid ofBclalacho, inf erred that h should soon get his literary But year passed without degree. that honor, and then he was attacked by a disease of the feet, 'and they wer painted with tar as a remady.il suddenly perceived the fulfillment ol th dream "my boot at last. Ain tees Msgsxln ' have Buffered for aeveral yeara with chronic catarrh of the stomach. The doctors prescribed for me without my receiving the least benefit Through one of your pamphlets I began the use of Peruaa, and two bottles have entirely cured me. I recommend Peruaa to all my friends.' O. Bertoletto. In catarrh of the stomach, as well as catarrh of any part of the body, Peruna is the remedy. As lias been often said if Peruna will cure catarrh of one part, it will cure catarrh of any other part of , the body. gratis. Address Dr TTartman, President of Catarrh is catarrh vthever located, and the remedy that will cure it any- The Hartman Sanitarium, Columtma, Ohio. where will cure it everywhere. ad-vio- THE ARAW OF HAITI 1 - mands And -- lic, lsTge-pTOTincetn- You must never allow a suille to cross your face however, tempted you may be to laugh if you meet Haytlsn soldier. A European diploe matist landed once at and on his way from the ship he fell tu with what be imagined to be a tattered mountebank carrying rifle. He smiled, for the black mans pompous solemnity was immenely funny. At once the negro's face changed. "You laugh at me? You laugh 4t me? he cried, furiously. He was a soldier of the republic? his fingers flew to his cartridges, and the visitor waited for no more, but who Is of the lowest of the people, who can neUher read Bor write, and w ho is nevertheless a great revolutionary power. This man Gen. Johann is Merisier la obliged to ask one man to read to him what another man has written for him, and yet In his hands are natives and death of the people over whom he rule. Every third man you meet In Haytl It a general, but it is only every tenth general who gets paid; tt has t be conceded that each general does his best to pay himself. 'The author" bed rate of pay W 140 annually for a general Of division and 10S for a brigadier. A captain is passing rich on 12 a year;, a private thinks him2 10s. self fortunate if he receive d'lring the Same period. ' The Haytl&a soldiers uniform 1 a fearful and wonderfut thing. Let ns review a regiment on parade. Some of them are shod in dried grass slippers. They wear a little blue cap with a red band. One man, perhaps, ia wearing a shabby pair of old tweed trousers, and slung by a hemp rops h oVer his shoulders Is an tuned flint lock gun. The officer who commands the regiment is brandishing rusty sword. The army, it goes without saying. Is miserably housed In the capital of Haytl, you will Fort-auPriac- a fled 1 up the street. Port-au-Princ- nished good positions during pastfyear. More than combined record of all other commercial school In the state. Literature giving details furnished free. -- ( tt J hen- nery In th world, Every person( li t$wn is in .tbs poultry business, In soma form. Last year 2,600.000 do-e- a eggs and 80,000 dozen of poultry were shipped, froqj , the , town, being Ban Fran principal market 4 , alsco, i Mother Gray Sweat Powder for Child raw Beooenfuily osed by Mother Gray, norae la tbe CbUdreas Bom In New York. Cares I ererlshness, Bed fitomech, Teething move and regulate the Bowel and Deetroy W ortna. 'Over 80,000 tecttmoulels e At all druggist. 3f. Kample FRKS. , Alina & Olmited. Lertoy, M. Y a st im ri all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. that all should know shout the skin, scalp,' and bail' " ' tbe circular with CDtjccra Soar , , . ,1 . KJp-Mu- U told id DON'T SUFFER a k . When Ysu Can Buy Mexican ... F.e - Mustang-Linimen- t. r. M A GALT Battle O R. N. B E A S T ' CO.S LAKE-CADD- Seated with some congenial cronies , One noun hour they wer seated a cool corner" of a roof garden the along the fence, eating dinner, whrq other night ws James Connor Bosch, Pat sad: , raconteur. wit and da 'Byes, actor, playwright, yex know what Fd do If "They had been discussing wealth and f Ttad a mtllyun dollars? Fd buy dp what tt meant to he a man of millions silt a Job as porther on it Ihiilmaa car -and spiad-Ur- e in luxr let of roe-dawbetr Roach- - said: Now. how tn&ny of ns here ury. "Mike removed his pipe from hi know what a million dollars really means? How many people In general mouth, sighed as he looked at his emp . ty pall and said: ..a know.?, "Some Think of a million as a check Well, well now, would yet? Id buf for that amount signed by Georg me one of them big corner saloons Indorsed by Russell Saga with all the lookin' glasses, and lvt r Gould time I took a drink, Fa cea mestlf $4 Others picture great heaps of gold .rv r7-.T.When I " bear poor' chaps like us times takin' LV-- " the I of The whistle summoned think them to vt millions speaking atory of three of my countrymen who work when Jim gave Pis opinion. , were digging a sewer up in Harlem Holding his lame old beck with with very short one hand and reacning for hit shorn!, . .They had shovela kad to be thrown he declared: handles and the dirt Tf l had a mlllynn dollars Fd 0d higher Tha deeper jthey dug. so the longer tthey "worked ths more energy Two feet to the handles of hit then shovels.1 "New York Times. Lad to be expended." STEW CYCLONE DAINTIES MOLASSES, Au.mrr clam dealers sell Wind Recently Accsm-In Michigan. gilished thesC A Wheatland farmer says that upon entering his pigpen. Immediately afASK YOUR BEST ter tbe passage of the cyclone last OROCERt ON EARTH Wedneeday. he was surprised to find what he at first supposed was A new BAKING POWDER, EXTRACTS AND SPICES. specie of awlne. His porkers had been driven o full of splinters as 4a ASSAYS. , , .IB MS SUw. be " scarcely recognizable. . ......... A . mlI Ood " IAS Oold.BItver iS k man sitting In tbe back windaw iraoMrr arrtaks o mail samilm of his residence, Just out of the path OGDEN ASSAY CO. of the twister, saw bis cows, which were grating In a neighboring field-gOur free booklet tell whet they sailing skyward. They landed aa ere sad bow to an adjoining farm and began grating flod them. Pros-mmar ewe Belfhborbood. Tbs Webrle Pre-Soagain. He has not yet recovered from Stone Minins Co., tl 16th St., Beaver. his astonishment. , t Do you know the reason they JUNK UTAH CO.KJKi.KSrt'S couldn't find that piano?" asked ber.eeevef.hram.eu. Bait Lake City. biak. , man In the barber shop. I was stand,,C ing la front of the hotel at Manttos I m YsTuve ncrr? fcoaorsDM PomeEwtirwiMlhl Beach when I heard, something that HtssdHhiMtfataA MssrtSMsM.tiMMCHy, Bounded like music directly overhead. are 'Tirana Cumrw msvoarso Extoaots Water made I looked up and saw a piano going dlrert from the fruit, thereby retain! northward over tbe lake at an elevanatural, perfect flavor. their caowa Sen ns ere yurt end frank, tion of about 200 feet Tbe wind was 35. 1902 Tuans W. N. U Salt Lakw-No- . mill. right from our ownB.niao Puwns t pitta, agitating tbe keys, and I could din Cftowa XSa per poaed. end economical. refuaa aU ethers. tingulsh the strains of Aint It S and -strong AeK for Ihees braada, Shame T I have told a lot of peopl HEWLETT BROS. CO., SALT LAKI CITY. UTAH about this, but they don't seem to believe it" Whea Amerind Advertisements Kindly Tbe foregoing stories were gathered mention This fVper. ..SALTAIR.. BUY THE BESTI Slums o I cI ItepscaiEfi lam Pi-ir- niki.t -- wra 4 tefllra Cea Waer Shoe One slae smaller afterwdng Allens Foot-EasApovvdcr, It makes tight or new shoes easy. C n res swollen, hoL,weatlngjt aching feet, ingrowing nails, corn and bunions. All druggist and shoe stores, tse. Trial package FREE by mail Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeEoy, N. Y. e, f SOM rat yrauira. pewelaf 'o other person can glv such helpful advice to women who aro sick as can Mrs. Flnkham, for no other has had such great experience her address Is Lynn, Masa End her advice fyen if yon are sick write her you' ara foolish If you dont. SITWia SADDLE C2Y! Ttt ' ORIGlNAt fom . IMlchv) source. reliable Post. Hudson y God has given 1 rararaa" fAr!rv..r3 rP. feat Ilf.-- t JTC,.:aco PU' SOW,l6 A -- cr EOSrcrt 'jHAT3SI to OfiJI Wir riMFf I-- S I hll irafltL IsUst Artiiififi Ifi4 tv ea, for Writ prtiNti BOA Hftlunft ftprnta I . A, I 4k 1 On Muums, ltmm lln A ytif ttilL EDUCATIONAL , t s. -- TKEUJilYEF.SITY Cl K3TEE Ci-t- E, NOTRB DAME. INDIANA, t ,, , FUU, COURSES IN UsM-cUttsre, Ee eeratce ee hi. tray, Joera w. Art, Selraca FtMirmacy, Law. Civil, MiMalcel w Lee . fcevlnrarlne, Arviiltrcu-ra- , and CeBraarcM Ibereesh Fraparatev if Caere. Ream Fra to all eindrvivt she have eon pleted tbe stoiilea reinmf Mr wluituKm lati ib Junior or beutor Year of wy oi tbe CoUael . era Oourtea Romm t Ret, moderate etery toetodeoU eVereventeeaprepFnfv' l 'A limited eumbrruf Cendidam-lu- ryiOoarara tbe (late will be reeetveo ,t .praiei rateo Edward's HaH, for boy anirr II years, M Unique la tbe complete Dra of Is -- qulpnent The tk Veer will ope Arp Umber a, IMA 1 Ceteiefrue free AMrmr REV. A. MORRISbEV, C.IC. FrraMest ' l Eeoie-U.tira- v ft ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, NOTRE DAME. IND.ANA , - fOra etlle M of tbe talveraur ef Intre pern.) 'Famous Family f Fhyslelens. TUereegh KeylUh sod CTeeetoelKdeeeUem, Leila Freni batiofertnan. Oa Lord Lister, tbe eminent physicist tooiudlBtureek. the full eourae of romplettnf itudenM who Is 'In attendance on King Ed reiv tbe Keealae Colleslate Lrefraae, Coeeervetarr The Slueie ef oa nedurted I. ward, corned of a Jong line of die tk pin of tbe beet Oarateai Conran. , of medical men. Edward Rnrope. tingulsbed The Art Department to modelled after lb Lister was physiciaa to Elizabeth beet , , Art School of Europe. and James L, and his younger brother, aad Minim Depart mra ta Freparetery are her eerefelly prepared for tbe AcaBlr Matthew, Ailed tbe same office tc demia eed Advanced Coureea. I,. ran. Com unAnn of Denmark. James , Charles der direction of Graduate of Botoa Normal of School Gymeaetiea Hookkerpint yuonoe-rapb- y Martin Lister, son of Sir Martin and end TypewTltlnc extra P.ery vsletyof was a of famous Sir Needlework Matthew, taufbt. For eatakqu ad- Vnacy nephew etti-tr- a ' uh-h- Pu-pi- le Not Impressed by Tltl. Back in the summer of 187 Benjamin Harrison, with a party of fourteen made up of members nf his family nd some friends, started from Rye Beach, H. IL. for Center Harbor. TS neighborhood was then eery popular with tourists, and he thought It well to telegraph ahead for rooms As hs was about to sign the telegram , be sld. to a friend I ver make se of my title ont believe Jn that sort of thing; but well, do you think we'd fare bet-- r If wrote General before my tame? Do you think they'd take cans that w got nice rooms F' I 'Certainlyt" was the friend's reply. Tbe w ha was sent. - When the party of fourteen arrived, the ladle wer fold at the hotel that be could give them pallets on the parlor floor, whllo the men could get nothing better than Hde-bside chairs in th reception-room- . Gen. Harrison never again tried to make an impression by using bis 1 PQMK:?-tOLicr;u- :i 1 ) How Do - You Maks, a Clrc!? The Intelligence of people may, b gauged hy. asking .them to circle o paper with a pencil had noting In which directioa th hands The good i student t, In , a moved. tnthemtlcalclss, draw circle from lefP to right "Th Inferiority of the softer sex as. welt aa th male dunces Is shown by their drawing from Tight to left. Asylum patients do Tbs me. Lendoi Family Doctor,- y STORIES- - Plnkhams Vegetable Compound changed all that, my day became day of health, and I hare enjoyed every day ainoe now six years. V have used considerable of your Vegetable Compound in eur charitable work, as w find that to restore a poor mother to health so alts can support herself and those dependent upon her, If such there be, 1 truer charity than to give other aid. You have my hearty endorsement, for yon have proven yourself a true friend to suffering women." Mra E. San.rR, 7564 Hill St, Loa Angeles, Cal. JJOOO fwftit ifsStm fra- I " In i Los Angeles, CaL a day at a tlma how 1 would feel the next day., Five bottles of Lydia E. n, USE E0R A AULLION cunCURA OlNTMfNT for preserving, purifying and bcautK fying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for Irritations of the skin, heat; rashes, tan, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness . incidental to outdoor sports, for sanative, antiseptic cleansing, and for president German Relief Attoclatlsa. - Ad-dre- - .AINTY SUMMER GIRLS USE CUTICURA SOAP assisted by 8 ; Largsst Hsnnsry oiT Earth. Petaluma, Cal., U the largest - raay-- MRS. K. SAILER, suppressed scream from the sidewalk. The reel worked, however, and to the surprise a prospective fisherman woman' picture hat cure to the end of the pole. He knew what had happened. The scream from below had awakened hit wife, and she, seeing the hat. demanded an explanation. The doctor had n hurry Job on the street Securing his rod between ths legs of a chair, he unhooked the hat and rushed to the front door. The owner's husband was fighting mad, as was the Kaiser Dlsilkts Wagner Music! lady. The doctor made apologlea and The kaiser has entered a new field humbly got n his knees and found aa a musical critic, and has offended the hat pins. the Wagnerilea hy declaring that he After an explanation, which the ac does not care for the music of their grieved lady and her husband acceptmaster because Mlt- Vs tno !wd,w ed, the doctor went to Ids room, only WfL WIbaidwi ftmlhlNff Ump. to find his wife in n stare of temper, For rhlitinno ltnluiiir, lift to ins s m. rwuucRi tep accusing him of fishing tor other kind wluxja pMUt.CUret WtliU LXJlHL of fish than he had saui lie was going Will Explore Labrador. after. More explications were In orAmos Brown of th Unlrer Prot will no suit and he there der, damage cf Pennsylvania, slty A accompanied by for the hat or divorce by the wife. tun of water is now in the doctors two students of ths university, will back yard and tbe gate is locked. If soon leave for Labrador for tbe pursome points that have he wants to practice casting between pose ofIfvisiting ever been explored by whiu rarely now and the time set for the real fish men. The plan Is to charter a fishtng trip he can safely cast out Of I smack and flail northward along ing was n back windowi Baltimore oun. Then there the- coast. At various t points the party will land and penetrate inland to collect botanical and geographical specimens and "to study tbe country , i carefully, TleoWOureeeaao be oo .btshtf eokee M tWlrS Are, eeougfc eur. J. W.O JL.MlaeeapoUaMlss.Jsa.AtM 4 wrawrae.Bm mmmtmm A prominent physician of Baltimore has been busy of late trying to regulate his practice so that he may enjoy an extended Ashing trip, - His early arrangements have not been propitious, though he has boasted of the great catches which he anticipates making In Canadian waters. He hat purchased a fishing outfit at a cost of about 2100, bought railroad ticket figured up hotel hill and other expenses, and set aside an amount of money sufficient to' pay an bills tor himself and his wife for the trip. Tbe fishing tackle was rent to hla home late at night.' and he and his wife, after duly admiring It, retired. Then came trouble which msartyT suited In a divorce suit. Thoughts pf tbe coming fishing trtp so filled rifl doctor's mind that he could not sleep, as he arose, assembled his spilt bamboo rod, and put tbe reel and line on. Not having space in the room to test it, he carefully opened a window and began to make casts into the open area of the street, but he made one too many. In attempting to wind the reel there was a stop. Thinking It a kink in the new line, ai One hundred students from the Salt Lake Business College, Templeton, fur- ti To Core a Cold la On day. Tak Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet All druggista raf and asoney if it falls to otue. 8Ba HIS NEW. ANGLING TACKLE - posTtions fob students! .7 ? , ' Mrs.-PiHJThea 1 as Passed through what is known sufchange of life, I bad two years' fering, sudden heat, and A quick chill would paas over m t my appetite was variable and 1 never could tell for s' i he wound harder. "Dxa- The Hsytiaa. soldier needs but the j license of "a political strife to lash , Ungallant Msn, . him Into frenzy. Given political trouFor the first time rinco women Wer bles and a modicum of shooting In admitted to Wesleyan University at the streets, and a msn such as we Middleton, Conn., in 1872 the girl have Just described, with intense "Who ar members of th graduating Irascibility of temper and thousands ciaas did not sit on class day with, th of companions like himself, he would men. Th men voted to do young become. very perilous and terrible sway entirely with tbe platform and element in tbe general anarchy. returned to the old custom of The Haytlan army in peace time on the ground, crosslegged, sitting Indian may be like that upon a comic opera fashion. They built the amphlthestei bewould a it war, but given stage, for the guests around tbs inclosurt come a hotbed of tragedy. London where they sat The men invited th Express. young women to sit with th othet guests, s, of courss. they could not Character is the best commercial as- bs expected to sit on the ground,. I set In the world. v old-fas- L Some Sensible Adrlee to TTo : , mea by Mrt. E. SAller.'i - to-da- " a poet of soldiers every fifty or a hundred yards. They Uv In wretched guard rooms, which I are merely long hovels, with piazzas raised two feet Above tbe street Below flows an open drain. The men themselves drink, smoke, and gam- - Haytl is chiefly remarkable by reason of Its being a military republic, with an army of 4,000 generals and 4,0o0 privates a general to each Tommy. The generals are eitrsor-- d Inary men in more than one tense of the word There Is one who com- CHAHGyF.UFEi - the - , s. poet- - imagina- tion so that he can have tbe pleasure of thinking of tklngs ho would do If hs had money. t I-- soologtst and alee second physician OP THE ACADEMY, DIRECTRESS to Queen Anna Lord Lister la now R Mrav'r An limy. New Draw P. O..Ldraa 75. His discovery in 1867, known a th antiseptic treatment, rendered possible tbe operation on the king Lord Lister has tbe distinction of beSALT LAKE CITY. UTAH ing the first medical peer.' " r I FOB HOARDERS DAT SCE3LAES I . Tottno, Iran orLrcnto.Crrror . I Cocstv, oath that CONDOCTtO SV he Is the Frank J tTwoer mkr THS MARIST FATHERS aonior perteer of the Arm f K J thMyOa, , All Oolite bit I it th! State In the City of Toledo. Count pay and that weld Arm will etoraldHUVDRfcD DOGLAR3 rf OVK lor each end every mm of fhtterrh that cannot M enrad b, the une of Ha U Over &K eenl (d before me and nulMcribed In mV W. praUisMkdsrDeeemaPublltlU (Ssan Notary and Rati' rietertk Cure to taken Interaalljr ouvfeoee eta directly os th blood end mueoue free. tortetimonlia 7 A CO, Toledo, G r. j. ( UF.NJS.Y JVC. port by besfc are th Fills MeU a Fafluly - "irr'1r , , , llallovs Coiio (Taaah-al- . Commercial and Conraea Preparatory Department for 1 otinrer boya MtUtarv Drill by nn Armr Offrer. Pbyelrnl Culture by na experienced Profee-no- r; eplendld Ovutnaelum faeilitlee. Tbe new nddiiion bow in prorrera will add e. eonaldrrablr to the aceommotietion. ef Ui Kor further peniculara. apply to eol-les- REV, tl. CUINAN. S. M , Pwss.okwt. .1.-t- nd Prominent Family. Of Arabella Kenealey," now writing syndicate romances, Is th daughter of the famous Dr. Kenealey, ones member of parliament and attorney Her for tbe Ticbborne claimant. brothers ar neaspsper men. GORDON 8 ALT , , i A AGADEL1Y MiSb-C-ret- fe LAKE CITY Home aad Day ttdwel for Bey and Girl. ; FALL TERM CECINS SEPT. j 9 New tormturv for firlR Grmremrarf hirH L BRurpHMd Rrbool dRpqmnfirnVN i1bnMkig) 1 mjfiiuf, for thp nturiy of UrswtOf ad Musur. Icrm sooaess Canouns Pains, Pmaoieav f - |