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Show 1 ' All dlec.ee atari It tbebowlee. Keep I them opei or yon will be tick. CA8- ! OARKTb act like nature. Keep lirer nd bowel eiliv wlthoot a likening V I griping leeling. bit uiilliuua people ' ) tala and rcoinmoded CAtH'AKKTrt, i . ', ! tryalOoboi. All diuigi.u. , aaaveeaBajJ" """" ' ' twECCS the cud re ruaater aaoe v la flax kltecweewirh "V arould yea a k4 l eggaf Tbnwbyarralhal X Llon Coffeov baa bo coating of etorage eggt, glee, etc ll'a ootle pure, aaadultcrated. Ireeh, eirang and ol delightful flavor and aroma. i (yovr. faith -ir-ft Shiloh's Consumption Cure aiiiuui a mnami ant w.ii rurr loi auBipcl.. rnma.i, Hioc.hiU. .nd ,, l-.ni Tiwil.Ur, Will mr, a coo.b or cold .V t atW nnmlia. a c aui i t iTo.. KoyTV y, JCarl eWvar Keet Tea carratU a. Steejaq ' . . -.A ALL. WC8G IAVED. "For year I tuffetod tucb untold mi-tery mi-tery Irom Broochltit," write J. H. Johuton, ol Brongbtoo, Ga., 'that often of-ten I wat oaabl to work. Than, when everything elae failed, I wa wholly cured by Dr. King' Hew Dlecovery lor Cootumption. My wife suffered In-teneely In-teneely trona Aethma, till' It cared bar. And ell Our eiperlence goee to adow It ia tb beet Croup modiclo in the world." A trial will c novices you ll'a nnrivaled for Throat and Lung diaeaeee. Guaranteed Guar-anteed bottlet 60c and fl.OO. Trial bottle bot-tle Iree at John Boyden A Bon. Juil Lexak Al Hrr. Wheno cam that tprlghtly atep, laultlete akin, rich, roay compleiion amilingftc. Bb luoka good, feela good. Hare her aecret. 8h aeea Dr. King'a New Lit Pill. Reaolt, all organt ictivo, dlgaatioa food, ao baadacbet, ao chanc for "bio." Try them your-mII, your-mII, Only 25c at John Boyden A Bon. o-emawr eajnaaaTiege iaia" 1 " 1,1 '' 'Sae aa lola" m tma Ceaaln staaieed C C C lever sold la bulk. Beware f tb dealer who trie to tell otnetaaaj hurt a gnL- K TO TIIE Globe Barker Shop For a Stylish Hair Cut and Clean Sbave. x I. H. KAKTHSL, Prop. Dr. W VISICK RESIDENT Dentist. Coalville, Utah Will ilslt points ip thfl rl?er com-mepclDo com-mepclDo Monday, lij lO. W. FREJMCH, M- D., I Fkyalelan aad Bargeea, OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Oalvlll. OrBr hosr from t to 4 p. m. All whocan tboold ebewe Uieaehoart a near a poaaihl. - -;j r Coalville Co-op Hew Styles and Goods. CO CD o CT Q. 5 c' IU f Y These Suits Cannot be equaled for the Price. eoAbvibLE eo-op. Big Clearance Sale Ladies' Shirt Waists, Cambric Underwear, and Baby Bonnets, Cheaper than yon can buy the material and make j them yourself. I Also have a fine line of t SUMMER DRESS PIECES. M. R. Salmon. I GRASS CREEK V COAL. Brass Greek Mines. M LlP id SM Mixed, U WELL SCIEEZLTEalD. Special Chute for Loading Teams. No Shoveling. No Waiting. Grass Creek Coal Co. m at Hmi-WllllaM Mta OMwr rAt farm. TH gkenMaHrfMaw ftlnu Oaear IM feeta, i X JR & ' a 0 B a 8 B & u i Do Vou Use Paint? Mtst cf At world does and most oftkt world uses j The SNERWN- Williams Paint- It s mad to faint buildings with, ' inside and outside. Its made ready ' 1 for tin brush. It's made for home use ; and for practical painters too. Its , f pure lead, pure sine and pure linseed I oil, mixed by specially made machinery ! operated by experts. It's made for you. & O O & C tea faru. Ik, sBe-IV(,a faJ,u (J fn"M. ' For sale at BOYDEN'S DRUG STORE. "'" IHI , mmmMnit, ! - |