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Show What tha World Speaks. Home lutereHilnit liiformalloa re-Kardlnit re-Kardlnit the chief laimuaxea of the earth are alven by a Herman atatlsU lavltiK t'liKu-ni. ont of Iho queatlon. which III Ha varloua dlalerla la tho laiiKuexo of four liiiudied mllllona, KukUku Is eaally first. Kouxhly apeak-lint. apeak-lint. KiiKllsh la aiHikvn by one hundred mllllona. German cornea neit Willi Uty-ultm mllllotis, and. If the Low (lermsn dlalcrta lie liieliuled, there are elitbly five mllllona. Huaalan follows wllh almy-aeveu mllllona. Two Ian-Kuaitce Ian-Kuaitce whl. h once covered the world, Kremh and rlpanlah, aro now spoken by only forty one and forty millions respectively, and Italian, which lias lately shown elgnti of spreading, thirty mllllona. |