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Show Necesslsy for Drslnsge. If thcr waa eve.' a yenr when the advantages ' qf good drainage were manifest It 1s' this year, especially In Hie territory bordering oh- tbe Ureal Lakes, wher rates -have--been vary. copious during. the Past, Awo months In the vicinity of Chlcsgo many of Hie tsr t Rsrdvn are this yoar ninile unprnlllnble by reason of lark of drainnRe. Must .plants cannnt Rrow with their roots Immersed In water The plants that are cultivated for fund are at a standstill in Rrowth while the water stun, Is at tbe level nf the ground- Not Jill the- water hue settled In the soil la sums distance liolow them Is It, unielltlo, for them tr, resume their , normal condition of growth.' Aruund i'iW:'.Kn. .on the level lands' devoted to 'tfin It ' r.roviiix., the wnter has been HtDiidluif'fur' a month, past. The 'vast fields of gn den vegc-nb!es vegc-nb!es seen on' them are to a large x tent spoiled. An linmer,K amount of wurk uud mum. re Lua been expended on ; io field, hdr no retiirlta are .pes slid-. Yet proper drainage would make the rains a blessing. - uncd should be sn will drained Hint water will not tdand at all, but will leave tlie soil In a usable condition ft bnni after ev.-n tee hravli st rains When lands are not drained not only do the plants stop graving while the soil la water Nigged, lint the fields lajiuvt be tilled for day afterward. Th anil remains soft and soggy so long that no crop ran be properly tended. The land needs attention, especially after the Surface has been pinked by heavy, rains. If th land Is In a condition tn pass the surplus water Into underground ilrm'ps the surfnra ran be cultivated In a Comparatively Com-paratively abort time fter the rnlns have failcn. We have no doubt that the water-covered field' near Chicago represent the condition of thousands of planted fields In th atate bordering border-ing th lakes. . ' It seem slrsnge thai after so Inng campaign In favor of draining there-should there-should exist such lurge ares still unlit un-lit a! urd, especially areas tha( ar devoted de-voted to tli growing of expensive and profltabta crops, lb writer ,na year after year noticed th field on on farm where, water Vikurk I ivoc. tioinctlmoa the Holds of this farm ar planted In corn and sometimes in potatoes, po-tatoes, but during . every yog'r there ar seasons when th crops stand In the water for works at a tlnis. Tt natural Inference Is that vn when th water drains from th surface It remains so near tbe aurface that little can be expected In tho way of crop And little la rcallxoeVln the way of crops. The wonder Is that any man should continue to plant on such land. Drainage helpa In both rainy and dry weather, but Is especially neo-essary neo-essary In rainy weather. |