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Show GAS IN COAl MINES. Oanueroui Exploiive Accumulatea In 8p te of Greatest Cars. Heine reminded of some of hla own experiences by the recen' dlnaMer In the Cambria mine. Frederick Ba-wnrd Ba-wnrd of the Coal Trade Journal glvca (he following account of the phenomena phenom-ena In a Ham-oils mine. t hud been Invited," said he, "to vli.lt a proiierty which was aald to ponncis a seam of coal of unusual tblckneaa and purity. It was, never-thelens. never-thelens. a nolorlo.ii.ly gansy mine. In-aoniuch In-aoniuch mat Ihe fire bona made regu-lor regu-lor niunda to lent the winking plaeea and calk up warning signs If too dangerous dan-gerous vaMir waa illacovered. "(olng down a .I'm -foot shaft on a platform elevator without aides (simply (sim-ply the guide rod). In company with the fire lii.ua. I walked slung Ihe main entry for one hall a mile, viewing the coal by the llehl of our little tin cup lamps. I'resently, on approaching a vlKlbly cracked roof, my guide aald that he would show me whul gna was and how It wan put out. He held bla lamp up near Ihe crevice In the roof and forthwith there was a Hunting of blue gaa along the roof near the crevice, crev-ice, like burning alcohol In a baalu of waier. "We will not let It get ahead of U",' n.i 1. 1 the guide, and with that ho took off hla cent and hneihed out tho linmlng kh. driving It away from the crevice. If he had drlvrn It toward the r-revlce the roof might have come down. An If thla were not enough, thn guide raid: "I will show you where It la not even safe to go with an ordinary lump.' He thcrciiiion lit hla safety and blew ont Ihe other tin cup lamps. We walked nlong Ihe entry until we eamo to a place w hich led up Ihn face of tho c.il. Climbing tiMin that which had been broken down the guide lifted his safety lump nud Ihe blue flame beguu to dnnce around the game. "This dally tour of the fire boss no doubt Hftvce many lives, but there Is often a quick accumulation In plaeea whero he bus found nothing dangor- |