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Show Hill or Level Culture. Under perfect condition of aall a relatea to drainage level cutur 1 best Hut there I t llttli land hr th condition of drainage ar perfect that som hilling is necessary. Bo our forefathers were not far wrong when they billed up everything. In thsir day drulnag of any kind was unusual except such ss was given by surface ditches. Whan the corn was hilled up a natural drain wn left by the removal: of tbe dirt. Tbli condi tion helped matters avsry time there wss a freshet. Tb man that has a heavy soli that has no artificial drain-ag drain-ag must hill or ridge Up to save bis crop In th cits ot a heavy fall of water, liven though fie land b high or rolling a heavy toil need sum treatment of this klrC. Clayey hillsides hill-sides hold water to auch an extent that crops are often lost from too much water. The usual Inference 1 that th drainage la good because thor I a ilupe. This Is a mistake, as heavy clay holds water for a very long period, unless thcr b mean for drawing it away from beneath. In case of heavy clay on a hillside being underlaid with ,-ravsl or sund wa have a condition that may be counted as an exception. Whiro the laud Is sandy of course level culture may b followed, fol-lowed, unless there, are obstructions to tbe draining tway of tb water. |