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Show TKe Vlektt ata.1 ra.hr. ! The dlrectort of the Utah Hiate fair ' are making preparation! fora largecrowd , at the opening of Ihe fair the laat day of - Bepteiuher and the flrtt four dayt ol Oo- . tolr. Their building! are nearly alll 1 completed and everything will be In good' bape for a great ehow, and the people- , who attend the Stale fuir and conference- will have plenty olentertalmnent during the lair week. One of the great feat u roe ' oltheluat lair al the old Expoilt'on I building waa tbe high cluin performance ; that were given under the direction of ' i. U. McDonald, chairman of tbeatuuie-m tbeatuuie-m nt committee. Thoeeamuiementewera the great feature ol Ihe lair and tnrved toenterlalu the people many an hour when they were loo tired to walk around end view Iheeihlbil. Mr. McDon aid le chairman ol Ihe amutement committee thie year and Ihe executive committee .; ha voted him a much larger turn of . ) money to be uted thit year than wat ap- I propriated laat year, and Mr. McDonald j eay that thit year, there will be a 12 j e.iow lor 26 cent. When he eayt till ' we know he I capable of keeping bla I promlee wilb the people, eo looa out and do not mil going lo th fair everyday during lair week and Uke your beet girl every time. On the opening day, September SOih, the eoclety will give flntclaai liorae race aud alto on Tnureday and Saturday Oc-lolrer Oc-lolrer 2nd and 4th. On the lit and 3rd of October tome other attraction will . be provided on tbe lane track that will be very Inu retting tovitltor. The admieelon I th ground, which Includet tb exhibit In all department ' and tbevarloueeatertalnmentapmvidetl t will only be 25 cent! tor adult anJ 10c tlorehlldreo. Weu)-mnd the Sielo 1 lair c,mot. Un -lia lopmndi,, ... j ..... .,uv , mn people an it placing th edmietiot foe eo lew thai I none way keep out ol aooount of tbe price. s (', fincceei lo th StateWof 18021 We hop it will be a hurume. |