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Show MAYOR WAS A BIGAMIST. Haynrof 1llu,Hirl Tuwn Makea CnnfeMloa Which l.anl Ulna In the I'ea. A apecial lo the Kanaaa City Ntar from KuiKiria, Kan., aaya: Jauiea Pendleton, mayor of tientry, Mo,, haa confefthed to the ahcrlfT of l.vona county coun-ty and number of newapaper uien that he had circulated the atory of hla death aod burial al Orlando, Okla., to eerape charge of bigamy. Pendleton wilted wueu confronted by Mra. liraca Obley-Morrla, of Kmporia, hla accond wife, who had cauad hla arreat uoon Ihechargeof bigamy, Pendlelun, who had gone under the name of C. 8. Vor-rla Vor-rla and John Cox, haa wife od Hv I nhtuivao at tientry, II bad, accord-lug accord-lug lo hla own alalement. murrlrd Miu' (Iblry al Kmporia laat June, under the name of Morrta. Ten daya ago ha appeared ap-peared at (Irlaiido, Okla., under ike nnuie of t'ox. Ho alarted the atorjr that hia friend Morrla had died, buii(l a cniu aud buried th aupHjacd deal man In eoiiolry cemetery oear Orlae do. KuiKiria frlenda, believing thai Morrla had been murdered, had tla eoflln exhumed, when It waa found la . lie empty. I'eudleton waa traced U tientry and arreated. Tha aberift at Ural ref jM-d to aerva the warrant, 1 caiiae of I'codleton'a poaktlou. Ha hu been belli lo lha October term for trial. |