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Show Not Hector but Another On ono One dny in ay. 19fl. Jamea K: McDonald, a flnhermiai of Mallalg, Id I s , tho western Highland of rVollund, i took out three girl fur a row In hi M I boat Suddenly a Bip;ill aroxe and , upset tho boat III thlrtj reel of water. ' McDonald contrived to, ret all three lasses on to tho keel of ti6 upturned boat, and then swum to mi Islet sulua ' forty-five feet away. Here hJ removed J bis big sea boots and leavler clothing, cloth-ing, aud then struck out for the girls, whom bo carried ono bf one to the rock. McDonald' noble actlou having hav-ing been brought under the notlco of i the ltoynl Ilumnno Hoclcty, that body awarded him lis inednl. . i t r i ! |