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Show HIS NEW ANGLING TACKlT A prominent phyalrlun of tlaltlmora hna been busy of late trying lo regulate regu-late hia practice so that he may enjoy an extended fiHhlng trip. Ilia early arrangements have not been pnipi tlous, though he has boasted of lh great ratebea whlrh he anticipate) niiil.liig In Canadian waters. He hai liurchased a fishing outfit at a coat ol about $ 1 bniicht rallnma tickets, figured tip hotel bills and other e-penses, e-penses, and set aside an amount of money sufficient to pay all bills for himself and hia wife for the trip. The Ashing tackle was rent to his hotnl late at night, and he and hia wlrt. after duly admiring U, retired. Then came trouble which nearly re suited In a divorce suit. Thoughts of the coming flililng trip so filled rse doctor's mind that he could not sleep, as he arose, assembled his spltf-ham-Ikio rod. and put the reel and line on. Not having apace In the room to test It, he raremily opened a window and began to make casts Into the open area of the atreet, but he made one loo many. In attempting to wind the reel there was a stop. Thinking It a kink In the new line, he wound harder. Then there wss a suppressed trrcam from the sidewalk. The reel worked, however, and to the prospective IlKhcintan'a surprise a woman's picture hat came to the end of the pole. He knew what' had happened. hap-pened. The scream from below had awakened his wire, and she, seeing the hst. dcmsnOcd an explanation. The doctor had a hurry Job on the street. Si-curing his rod between the legs of s chair, he unhooked the hst and rushed to the front door. The uwner'a husband was fighting mad, aa waa the ludy. The doctor made apologise and humbly got on his knees and ftaia4 the hat pins. After an explanation, wali-h the aggrieved ag-grieved lady and her hnsban4 accented, accent-ed, the diH'tor wsnt to hia room, only to find hia wife In a aiare of temper, accusing him of finhlng tor other kind of fish than he had aaiu Jie was goini; after. More explanations were In order, or-der, and there sill he no damage suit for the hat or divorce by the wife. A tun of water la sow In the doctor's hack yard and the gate Is locked. If he wants tu practice casting between now and the tine set fur the real fixh-In fixh-In K trip he ran safely cast out ol a hack window. Tlnltlmore nun. |