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Show THE ARAY OF HAITI j LLknMiaaaaMMnnBWaBM Haytl la chiefly remarkable by rcn-ana rcn-ana of It. brim a military rcpuhlln. with an army of 4.li acncrnla and 4.iM) irlvatca a Kcncral to each Tiimmy. The Rcncrala are ettraur-dloary ettraur-dloary men In more than one aenae or the word. Tticre ta one who com-ntanila com-ntanila a large province In the republic, re-public, wlm la or the lowcat of the people, who can neither read nor write, anil who la neverthclraa a arret revolutionary mwcr. Thia man tlen Johnnnla Merlaler la obllRed to aak one man to read to hlin what another man haa written fur him, and yet In hia hamli are the Uvea and deaths or the people over whom he rulea. Every third man you meet In Haytl la a iteuerul. but It la only every trnth xeneral who itta paid: It haa l be conceded that each jceneral (1,M1 bla heat to pay hlmaeir. The author-Is author-Is ed rate of pny la L I in annually for xeneral of dlvlalnn and 15 for a htlKadler, A captain la paaalni rich on 13 ( year:, a private thlnka him-tlf him-tlf fortunate it he receives 12 10a. irln the tame period. The llaytlan aoldlrr'a uniform ta a fearful and wonderful thlnn. lt in review a rexlment tin parade. Some of them are ahod In dried graaa aa 1 1 1-pera. 1-pera. They wear a little blue cap with a red hnnd. One nrnti, perhapa, la wearing a ahabhy pnlr of old twwj trouaera, and aluna; by a hemp rope over hit ahouldera la an old faahloned flint lock Run. The ofllcer who cone mands the reKlment la brandiahlnaj a rnaty aword. The army. It Roea without aaylnit. la miserably housed. In Portaii-I'rlnro, Portaii-I'rlnro, the capital of llnytl, you will Bud a post of sohllera every fl'ty or a hundred yards They live In wretched guard rooms, whlrh are merely long hovels, with plBrzas raised two reel above the street. He-low He-low flows an open drain. The men themaelvea drink, atnoke, and gaue ble all the weary day. You muat never allow a alalia to cross your face however, templed you may bn to laugh II you meet a llaytlan soldier. A European dtplo-mstlnt dtplo-mstlnt landed once at fort au-!'rlttca and on his sy from the ship he fell In with whsl he Imagined to be a tattered tat-tered mountebank carrying a rltle. He smiled, for the black man's pompous solemnity was Immensely funny. At once the negro's face changed. "You laugh at nieT You laugh at me?" he cried, furiously. He waa a soldier of the rcpuhlle: his fingers flew to his cartridges, and the visitor waited for no more, but fled up the street. The llaytlan soldier needs but the license of 'a political atrlfe to laslt him Into frenzy. Olven political trou-hies trou-hies and a modicum oj shooting In the streets, and a man auch as we have Just described, with Intense Irssclhlllly of temper and thousands of compsnlons like himself, he would become a very perilous anil terrible element In the general anarchy. The llaytlan army In peaco time may be like that iiHin a comic opera stage, but given a war. It would become be-come a hotbed of tragedy. lindou Express. Character Is the best commercial asset as-set In the world. |