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Show 1 MWS SUMMARY. ! A $30,000 fir occurred In Pendleton, Ore., Saturday. ) Two blocka of building, in Walden. j Colo., ware destroyed by 6r. It la expected that 10.000 men will j ba in Una In tha Labor day parade in llutte. Tha buslneaa portion of Sylvana, Wash., waa wiped out by Are. Loss, 110,000. William J. Bryan will etump th state of Nebraska during the month of October. K-Secrelary of War Russell A'r' will be a candidate for aenator from Michigan. A tornado which passed over Hem-Ing Hem-Ing ford. Neb., destroyed a number of residence .:, . lu Ilridgeton, Island of tlarbadoea, there hav been U70 caaea of small poa slue July Utb. Tamaqua, l'a., min workere hav aent petition to Governor Stone asking ask-ing that th. troops b recalled. Jameetowo, Island of.SL Helen, reports re-ports thousand mora lloera, former priaonera. Bailed for South Africa. Harry Turner, a colored preacher of St, Louis, shot ud killed hi llttl aon, whom ha nilatook fnr burglar. Jerry Crlmmlns, charged with assaulting as-saulting woman, waa tarred and featbaied and run out of Kaloo, Colo, It la aaid th diatrict around Kali-pel, Kali-pel, Mont., la becoming quit place for ainuggllng Chinamen over th border. Another eruption of Mont Pete I reported, the eruption being followed by total darknesa for a apace of twenty nilnutea llen'h" rnln have ftillen over th greater j . .of New South Walea, nod there have been light ralna in poitlooa of tjueenaland. Tha fun. Is raised by tha national. ub-crlptian ub-crlptian alarted In Tha Hague to aid lha lloera will be placed at tin disposal (. of tha Iloer general ' ' Jamea Kernohan of Anaconda, Mont.i waa found dead under clrcumalancea th. lead to th belief that be wa murdered by polaoniug. " j It ia reported that Ilia Lehigh Coal V Navigation company ta preparing to t V i mine coal In Pennsylvania uuder th . a protecllou uf the troopa, , A parly of Moors recently attacked a ' I j French military aupply column near I Aln Del Kelll, Algeria, and number a ' ! J wera killed or wuuuded on both aldra. t Tha last horaa ear dieappeared from J Ilerlln'a atreela laal week, owlug to th v abolition of thut means of transports- 4 tlon in favor of luor modern couvey- I ance. A Hood raina hav fallen lo weatern In- f dl Just in lime lo save th crop and ' 1 remove tha immediata fear of famiue. : Central provincea and llahar hav also been benefitted. i About 3iK of the alrlkara who quit work lo tha silk mills of New Jaraey . ,' City In sympathy with lb Palleraou ! atrlkera returned lo work, and It I ex- j peeled that other, will follow suit. j During th maneuvers near 8k Petersburg, ltusaia, a squadron of car- airy waa ordered suddenly lo charge. ( It galloped Into river, and Sfiy men are reported lo hav been drowned. I Th navy department has received, a J , mall report from Commander MuCre , of lha M so hi as. in which be staled that J , th accouuta of the Bghllug In th ' , nelgliboi hood of Cape Haitian had been T j greatly aiaggerated I It la understood that General Wey- f ler, Spanish miulsler of war, haa de- ' elded lo resign hia poet. In cooaequenc f of certain court oftiuiala havlug over- i ridden hla orders permitting Journal- J lata lo attend court function Tha report that the niaoagara of th World s fair at St. Luuia propoa to j buy the Waahlngton anceatral home, . near llanbury, and transplant It to lb ' grounds ol Ihe eapoalliou 1 received '' with feeling of dianiay lu lindon. Humors that an Australian mission- i ry named liruce and n Eogliah tnia- aionary named lwla hav been mur- j der.d at Chen t hou, lu 11 u Nan prov- ( I nee, continue perelatanlly to bt heard I f run. They eom from native sources. f Aa Imperial order baa bee laauad j eonsmanding that all th demand made by the United Slates upon Tur- , key b oonoeded and th ralallona be- 1 Iweea tba porta aud th United Stale legstlon hav raaumad their uormal k oondillon, Hugh Marshall, th man who wa ' accused of having murdered Mlaa Zada j Vlck near Kuaaallvllla, Ky., Wednea- day, waa found hanging In barn on Bill from th seen of lh erlu. II bd evidently been bnglng for day i or ao, ' Chief Chariot, th famou Indian aoout of the Kooky MoubIbIb diatrict, I dcd on th Fllhcad reaervaltou. It U aaaerled that Charlola dealb re- move. th. only barrier that baa prevented pre-vented lha opening of tha Flathead reservation for aeltleni.nl. Considerable eaclteinent prevails at Mootego Hay, Jamaica, over the arreat of certain persous who poesesa iutlueu- lial counactlona on chargea of eom- pllclty In the rlou of last April. Tha ' polio allege that the apprehended i i |