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Show tr mnornn QiUda aaun TIMES. COALVILLE . Tha Salt Lake Tribune At our Stors you can buy U la Hha aay ether property , It raaa dowa VT1IT GKIITEST oriaiproree. Just depend oa hew U to PULI KBWSFAFRR. eared lor. It lethe auwareleeble prop. O.B.JUSC8 the aewa at tbo world, Refleets erty we here, and a hoe Id receive the EAllof u4 BilMNlUir. oral. State, eeaaty aad etty. ateoteoaaideratton. Ilbelpeyeainyewr 1TSNITIHU1IN make bnetno tooke, a. help good help THE GRAPEVINE FIDIA. ARKrr RIFSRTS mm i If. Irtoada holpa gU eUaattooe and halpa Are (all, fair and eoadalve. Rapabli tte yoa hold them, sad always mnkra hoppi-neoIIHnImMm Mkh Ik Lmtm. Bo Work M (k ana ia priiriea, U is jat, asd ttpriatsall Property liko thla. at tha Irat la The grape rest wena la detag daae-- dicattoa of the aewa, both polltiral aad eomawreial, ahoald ho mm being oat of rapelr, Ohio aad New Tort by looked after and a both ta without fmr or (svor. at Mmm. applied gtfokto h remedy THU U A CAXFAI6X TtlB gnawing the bark freaa Urge reeta aad ones. Thera are ear Bomber of algae MIW Aad you cannot bo without Tbo Salt feeding ea the rootlets ef vtaes Tide that plraw repair are Beaded. BUtoae 41X VMStfef Tf to the toree ef thagmpevlas Sdlaaatd Lake . Tribuee. bMtN e, tpeiia, iedigeetloa,drpepia, OUALYILLE, FRIDAY, Ai. S, 1902. a. j Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Suits of Clothes, Tinware, Flour, Groceries, etc., r Dan at aay rter Slam ia S iM(fi. -- re-be- -- 4i4ia la-Ju- alaa notably rial la pMash sad ether vnl-abingredients. Ka doubt ia aaaaj taauaaaa irrigation water, sxeept that which samra from walla, la wouh ia misnarUl son teat aa aaaeh aa It eoeta ta secure It, having Ha mereobivtoae beat le eel lew eemplexioa ea the face, a ptaipleeaad drowey alrapy feeliag otter ateal, eoar atoawch.ata. Thera eyaptoas all ehew weakaeea, aad the property need repelr-tng- . Druggist will aeil you lor 25ct., a box el Dr, Gaeas Improred LI ref rill, the beet remedy ia the world fur any of d them ilia, or we will teed a box poet-paiSA. free.ttoaaptoo eta or recoipof Oaly one pill lot a doee. Write Dr. Goan, PhlUda., Pa. For aaUbgJaka.Jtoydet A Soa Coolrtllo Uuh. tick-hee- d, llrer-epote- wwaaaatwwawakMaawvNrt . belcMng-dlitlae- tte work ba ealy receaUy beeeaae eery noticeable. AAthiMm IUm During mldeeaueer the learee ef the L4Mi MertWM, ttaeeUi are freqoeatty rtddtod with grape t lev S a M.tNUaHUM hotoe by the attache ef a little MPlMNMMUltMWr4lHM4ll beetle which wbea dtotarbed fall to the ground with Ita toga folded og Tbetsperfearaof eeatarira la variooe galoot Ita body, fetgnlag death or enu'rl howa that lirigatloa water U flaying poraum." The beetle to abeat Wtoa upikwte rain water lethal Hear-wir-a a quarter ef aa to tong, rather aad ef a brewa color, eoaaewbat (rater qaanliUraof plant food. Feed h by a doaea revering ef tyhtteaed waters ia kiaM ragioaa ara white hairs. FeMewtag the often rich la altra'ra. whioh ara the to the foliage the flora may be foctiUaera. aaoat enatly aai gtliealatiag expected. If the beettoe bare ore arid The arice vatera of tho regies gUgW Cento. TERM OF 80 BSGRIPTION Daily and Banday Tribaae, one week.lfi eeato: Daily and Sneday, one month, 1 00; Sunday Tribune, oa year, 3 00; six l 00. moathe, fianday Tribune, The ta T0Re UTAH COALVILLE, Inter-Mounta- in . - Farmer and Ranchman Pablished by The Tribuao Fuhlinhing eoBpeey.wilieoutaia each lalermatioa reprating the Urn and raacB ot Uis, Idaho. Wyomiat. Nevada aad Colorado stock raising, a will mase invaluable aa well aa agrieottere, trait aad flower and bea-ee- ry Iia tbe privilege ol a neetaaa tag culture, end the track garden heiag especial attention. It is Irtoad to abaae bar other irtoada Id bar. tLOOsyravia advene; la published Not laireqaeatly the wedding ring to a every Tueadav. and will be mailed one eireto that sqearee the debta of a poof yearfl--withlaTHE WISELY TRIBUNE advance, lor SALT LAKE TRIBUNE alone, $1.00 If you are going to white wash your house or do any plastering you should use the very best Lime in the country. -- ADRKRB-RALTLA- KR TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COMPANY. Balt Lake , Citv. PEBBYh.HKATH.JfBbluhef and Geaeral Maaager, 9 Jte east gala. Ltzstive Tbe asggtetlon ban kaaa made that wailwayt aright utilise the vaeaat apace sleug their righto of wap kjr pleating trees, to be lubeeqaeatly used for poata and ilea In ike adjacent track. While tea United eitaat, this where tha right ol way la aa a level, grade free freer recke aad ditches, mad where calUvatlaa for the Aral three year war therefore be praei Me, It teems aalikely that oae or I we rewaof trees, hu grave, voald be able to create shade to keep eat weeda aad aa dargrowth, which latter weald aatarally aetu a check to the developaaaat ef the Brofso-Qdd- Reduced to CENTS 1 ss A FIFTY Uew Idea aal-tan- a auf-Aci- eat trcaa theraMtraa. laotber word, a forett floor coaid not be formed, aad li It doabtfa! whether each a ayetoca ol fil aria g woald field satisfactory reealta !vJfC . T ein-- f .). v - H' aylraaia ex perlsMbt of grewing Catnips treea along the right ef wcy for shade rather tor timber purpoiL "The 'result was hoi i-- . partial auccel. Xw The follrwieg from a reeeat taaoa of h Rich to Id Reaper la worth tbo attention of tie pareata of aebool chlldrea : Ther it a mighty bad habit that torn ptoplfttill cling oa to that of ctortieg to cehool a aioath or aix week gttlld altar th term begtaa It did not matter opoch In the old acltdcoaaow rhea tH ooorara of ctody arc planned to that a time la Irat all through the diatrlct oAeol dayc of a child. Ifapareatia co poor that ho acoda the help of hie off-apriat let him M them to crhool at x. trad them regularly every day till they are 14 and thea keep thorn eat for a year or two o that they eaa help. A meiaec (a a community, edooatort have deduced thic rule that holde good la Aa avenge nearly cycry ovary eara: Ito o echool ctarto ehUdraa that family Ute in the tall, made them Irregularly during the winter, take them out early ia the epring will not prod nee more than oae progreecire cltinea fa a tot af Ira. A family .that eUrto ita cbildrva to echool early, aenda them atcady all ele-t-er keep them la eohaol Ull the elom of the jaar will not have over one aoa-pr- o graaalta cblto out of Ira. rota vmoio. Oa. fcrattos h, ton; A toll grwwn etae; a yeeag all anlnrged.1 larva; abundant, to preaoot a tockly appear-- , aaca, with Checking ef growth aad ul- a era; timate death, duo to the feeding la the root ef the torvto, which ae they hatch fad from too hart of the tree to which the egga were attached aad rater the toll near the bate of the vlna They feed ea the root and completely denude them ef hart to a depth ef at least eue foot. Moot of them peach full growth by tbo middle and coaatruct little calla la ef Ae-' . htKeate until , i June of the fouowtog Ua they change te pupae, from which the beetle emerga Moat ef the ad trite appear by the let 'Of Augtutt, a- - few ratterlng tndlvtdu! remaining until the let of September. It ia evtdeet that if the beetle eaa be promptly exterminated the Injury to the foliage will be limited and the aubeequent much greater damage to the root by larvm will be avoided. The first effort therefore should be to offset the killing of the beetles whlcji may bo done by tbo ara of an arsenical apray with lima applying It at tha cue-- O29 Woman's Magazine T?. tfl raeranralw Told ef bark W nw MtorfM at tk D-I- Ur made from Nnr Ira Par-- , raana which eoat only Do. each. Mmuio. hr toe tmm an4 -- E w. veto jr- tmpmt fmm i Of the best quality in any quantity. GRASS m am ,. MI trwto to THE PtoCALE CO.. MVtis-wra m at. ara i 60. LIME I O m g me a m. r ca. iiia rvxitiirao in St iiv T.rk, V. X. A CREEK rmttjgmtu CertiTs-di- f (to LIMB he-fo- Snua f'i rirt Aurxr msAznt m l.l., e tov(y MS CALLTm Magaxine new h We are now prepared to furnish a mii simiim pmi to ; !.., ,lliv MMM, fetol toil Ike American puhUo. Itihewa New toms to Faahtoaa, In Kimnery, In Embreldery, In Cooking, U Women's Work mid in RaaAnf ; Ito 4tom toaA In black and whim. Above all. M Shews tie very (aahtonahie New lorn ji MSCALLSfi' StyllM, ksUaMa, Blapto, Opto. ata, IimilMl set A Mm la the n-t A rCJX rATTEEK (ymr ewe astaattoa) to every n Vtof, Only m MM a pan. YEAR way be aoraible, milrasA 4C Thia ale atom to ea evevy Om ef toe ffmale K lAiwayrarHfitdisiHr Pr.4y, l tern pa .VJ fJUUV 1L. E GE $2.25 Lump, Stove, 1.50 f ! t f -- DistiHecL... Scientifically Naturally Aged. Absolutely Pure, leaf mni itht hull aft. For Sae a CltiH Iy . J-KL 13 A TiT. snit - ub J vo map mam. tomary etreogth of one pound ta ISO gotten of .water. The feeding of the Leak Fttaaaay bratlra oa the upper surface of the leevee makra them eepeclUy easy to Photographer C. 0, liar toe, of Eatoa eon trot by thla meana. If thla be deeo can for do now, though O., yean ha ferred uatU tt la uuaafe to apply aa eoaldat, bccaaaa he euffraed uatold aneaicat to the vlnea. the beetles may agony from the wont fora of iadigrat-to- a. be collected and destroyed ta the earns All phyairiaae aad mod id dm fail manner aa rose chafer. Aa effactiva od to halp him till ha tried Electric Biremedy. If applied before the larvm tten, ehlch worked each wondera for have scattered, la to wet the soil about him that ha declarra they ara a godaeod tbo vtara with a solution ef keooeeae to aufftrera from dytpepaia aad atomach emulsion. The emulsion should bo ditimes and a gallon or two trouble. Uarieatod tor dtoaaara af tha luted nine mixture poured la a basin extbo of 8toaaach, Liver aad Eldaeyi, they build cavated about the base of tbo vine, up aad give new Utotothe whole aye washing tt dowa to greater depth aa tom. Try them. Only AOe. Guarafterward with a cop tons water-- Tk anteed by John Boydea A Sea drag-gl- at. BEST SERVICE, , tsi titzn lTi rsdss:t TRWt; ' Ceinn wttofM to mttfftn. tuMstoC apM eqnt Sng your etew ea penal mB awd yMn thtmategm Tha University of Utah inclunoa the of Mines and tha 8tata Normal 8chool. Ickeal ofArft aad Iclcaee. Tha School of Arte aad ScieocM fer conrsee to: 1. General Science. 1. Liberal Arts. it ate Xaraual Bckral. Union Pacific . Intor-lfoenUi- ui - . L tufctes 8psy. TU Mt&y UTftH. i tat m F UNItfeRSITY Fw Too pciMiin rtua 1 iV I Meant My Mvtog car, an Weber Coal Co frss HT Eastern Points. -- tii Ci d hit Lrriry its ECl-fu- FOB ALL' Ned tea Pee Paeans Red top (Agrratta alba), already TKe lakUtoTtoima la places la northern Nevada This ta eampaiga year aad ffyear which TERSE TUB EIHT and sou therm Oregon, could without aa to Vromlara much important doubt bo man extensively Introduced give IIIODGI cm . u ciletjt, newa ia every avenue of llfo If you la aaaay of tbo molstcr bottom lands. Kuui City, Si. fisl, IlM raaut a great end fair daily newspaper, Instances have beea cited where tt PH : . ; will a should aad tt was taka Tha Lake Tribune. good crop, making 8it 'you 'The Weekly Tribune to an excellent without doubt grow well on the lowWITH u lands wherever the native cloven tnewtpapra. And The Dlnct CiUKtim f&F tt Kut farmer and Raachman. published alto abound. It tc pronounced by experts by The Tribune Fabtiahlng compauy, one of tbo moot promising pleats for : SnllnL will be Invaluable to lumen aad raoc the Improvement of portions of the Detailed furuaea everywhere. bottom lends No flaer quality af bay nished on information cheerfully application. could be desired than that which le C, I. WHKADON, Agent, We can do your job work. furnished, la localities at the present Coalville, Utah aad tha this native eleven. by grass , PATRONIZE HOUEIHDDSTRY Dj 8chool of Art and Science, the School fltate School of- af nine. The School of Miara offers oouraea in t 1. Mining Engineering. X. Electrical Engineering. Ptaparatory kkeel. - - A Preparatory School ia maintained The Normal School offers : which gives preparation lor the courses L A Four Year Normal Gourra. in General Science, Liberal Arts, MinX. Advaaead Normal Oouraea. ing and Electrical Engineering, Law, fl. Gourees to Kindergarten Training. Medicine and' Boinew. The proximity ef great mines, redaction works of various kinds and power bouses for thn generation of electricity ; afford advantages for thoroagh and pran- ticsl work to mining iand electrical engineering, not enjoyed by aay other school of mines in tha United Sutra. SDOP WORK 1M WOOD AND RET ALA. Student ia engineering eonreee am given two years' work to wood aad metaia ia shops and under the direction ot thoremthly competent machinisU. HANUAL TRAINING AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE are feataree of the Normal courses. Bo tuition i charged, hut a smalt annual registration la la required. Registration of student, September 12th and 13th. Arrangements have beea maae wberebv students from outside the city ran obtain board and Pacific Hotel, opposite O. 8. L. R. R. depot. Salt room at tbo Grand a dav until they nro permanently located. The University late (Sty, at 7S centsfull Information eoneeraing oouraea, requirements for adAnnual, which gives mission, etc., will be seat free oa application to tbo i UFIYERSm OF UTAH, Silt - Lilt City, Utih. it c i |