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Show Oa ol th moat eBereatfol card partiea ever bald ia Coalville waa gives by Mr. L. K. Kldredgb)Bt fialarday altoraooo at ber beeulilol home In honor ol Miaa Emma Oleon ol Ogdan. Only ladiea were invited. Eight gem f akitt were played and the alter noon waaepenl n a otoet enjoyable manner. Tb Drat priae waa woa by Mia. C. I. WhtadoB, which eonaialard of a beautiful eherbet act, and Mra. L. W. Willi, oj, a- a the cooeolalioo priae. ' Jbe genien over, deliciooa rafreahmentt wrva tervad, wbicb ehowed that tha bcMteee had taken great peine lot that ber gueeta were properly enteruiaed. Mra. O. W. Frrncb delightfully entertained en-tertained Tuetday afterooon in honor l the bli thday al her baby '. Kc at invitation! in-vitation! were tent eat to ill th prom I-oent I-oent children ia town, and they were all there accompanied by their mother or guardian. Th ladiea war entertained by playing card and other gamae, while th lltll lot were amused in varloaa way. They were all happy and had a moat dellghllol tint. Dainty relreebment ware served to Ikem, which tbey greatly enjoyed. A great maay pretty and valuable preaeol war preeenled to Mr. French' children. child-ren. The houi of Mr. Aloi Eltlredge pre-aenled pre-aenled a vary beautiful appearance laat tvenlng, th oocaeloa being a card party given by Mr. Eldredg and Mr. Nortb-cottia Nortb-cottia honor of Mia Edna Millar ol Halt Lake. About thirty gout were prevent and partook of the evening' en-Joymeat. en-Joymeat. Wblet waa th gam played and Ir. F ranch ueedd In capturing th gent' Aral pria and Mia Edna Millar woa th lady' prise. Relratb-ment Relratb-ment of a moat deliclou aatur ware creed tnd all preeaut had a very n-joyabl n-joyabl Una, |