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Show Wrecked by Magnetic Band. "In the district of Htavangar, In tlie southwestern part of Norway, there Is a place called Jaederen, a Oat strip of coast less than a mile long, which Is notorious for shipwrecks," says (lar-tenlsube (lar-tenlsube (April 22). "Now a Norwegian Norwe-gian physicist has dltxovered that the ssnd of Jaederen Is strongly magnetic, owlnx to an admixture of magnetic. Iron ore. Iln found, also, that at a distance of three miles from tho shore a ship's com pa sa showed a deviation of a whole degree from Ita truo position. posi-tion. The cause of the numerous shipwrecks, ship-wrecks, therefore, la obvious,"' . The writer suggests that this effect on the compass may have originated the old lories ol the destruction of vessels by magnetic mountains, although these stories seem to have been current before be-fore tho compass was In common use. |