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Show OUR METAL PHDUUCTION. I lata .VlahM l-rr.t ll In l'rnliirll a nf the While Mrlal. Ilrorge E. Kolierta, director of the mint, haa Iwued Ilia Hnal eatllnale of lha production of gnld and allver in thv ColleJ Htalea during tho calenilar J year IMH. .Mr. Kolierla' atatenient ahowa that during the year Hie I niled htalea prinlmed .i.ii.'i..vi ount-va of gold, valued al Tl.r.'i'l.T"": de-rea ol Ivil.Hx), or O.inn per cent, aa compared com-pared with the yield of luoo. Ten of the nlnclrrn atalea and ler-rltorlea ler-rltorlea yielding gold allowed an Increased In-creased production California leading with l.uT.'i.'Juo, an Incrennv due entirely entire-ly lo the normal development of tha mining lodimtry. Nevada allowed the material gain of I'.-.T.O'Kl, whli li came largely from tha newly di-.i'ove-'ed caiiipof Tonopah, In Nye county, although nearly every county In the atile lucrrahed I la production, pro-duction, Houth Ilakota alao made gain of lull tK; Idaho, IMI.OIKI. and Oregon l'.'1.lii. The grealral dccreane, amounting to 11, UK), wai In Alaaka. 'I hla waa due lo laleneaa of the eeaaon, which delayed the opening of the placera.aod to llllgatloo, which Interfered with lb development of the Indiiatry. The allver yield fur luin amounted to BV-'ll.oiHI ounuea, of the commercial value of .IJ,I3H,4(HI, which waa 2,413," ouuouucea, or ft per cent lee than It waa lo luoo. The greatral gain l,-lli,-too ouueea waa In l lah, all of which came from the I'-trk City diatrict. Na vnila, New Mexico and Weahtnglon alao mad gaina. The production of Colorado, owing lo the decline In the grade of ore extracted, fell off ,04ti, lot) tine ouucea, whll Munlana'a yield diminished I.oo.i.Timi ouncea, Idaho'a H-ia.'.'ou, aud Houth pukotaa t.'.t.'.'OU. |