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Show DISTRICT COVRT. Shart Saaalon Held TKvjradwv Mornlna bi( Judge Moeae Judge C. M , Mortr came mil fiom S.ll lke X'ltenUv iiiorninu ainl l hi a thnrt eaaion of ditir rt rouit, l be lollowu.g butii et Iteing tranearted : le the uit'trr of the etiateof George Trittratn, 1ei eaiel ; l-tlert granted and bond Bxed at Z7,lKi0. In the maitei ol the eitale ol Patrick i M. O'Nell, di ceaned ; teller! granted and Don J Bxed at 18,000. In the matter ol theeitate ol Michael Croa ley, deceased ; lettera granted and bond bxed at 3,00. In the matter ol the et'.ale ol Henry Devlin, deceaaed; letlert granted and bond Bxed at (2.000. Inthe matter of 'he ettate end guard-Itmhlpol guard-Itmhlpol Chriniach I'oulien Radernp, t al; letlert granted and bond Bxed at li.OUO. la the matter ol the utate and guard-linihlp guard-linihlp of Harriet Cowlev. el al., minora ; let ten granted and bond Bxed at 84,00. In the matter of the eetaU ol John F.kttroin, dereaied ; letlert granted and bond Bxed at 12,(100. In the matter ol the eatate ol Peter Aadereon, deceaaed : lettera granted and boed Bxed at 116,000. It, the matter of llietalateol John I). Kilty, deceaaed ; patted. Angnt J.McKtllarvt. William Qualev, delialt enlered and jndgment granted by Hit court. Minnie John ton va. Charlee 8. John-too; John-too; decree of divorce granted. Several caret were patted and continued for tbe term. ' Court ad (ournad to September 20th, w bea the calendar w 111 be aet lor the Oc-oUt Oc-oUt term. |