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Show atrlh-pra J oar at Mmn win rirea Intn 4'rtiwil Willi IMMalruiiB HmuII. t.eergt W lira t ley . au outalde fore man at the l.ronkalde colliery of the rhiladelphla l Ueadlng Coal 1 Iron company at I'ollavllle., I'a., la ttuder ll.ou-o ball, charged with ahmitlng tieurge Nearer, aged 1M. Wheat ley aaid lie waa followed the ugh tha atreela hy a crowd of atrtkeraaud ayin-pathlcera, ayin-pathlcera, who Jeered aud hooted hi in. Hecoiulng enraged, he Bred Into tha crowd, the bullet atrtklog Hearer. Wheat ley waa formerly a mine boea. |