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Show TIMES. COALVILLE W. 8. Wilson was a peoafr to Park City Toeadsy. COALVILLE, LOCAL 12. UTAH, AUG. tV, AID OTHER IEWS. Priesthood meeting at Wastbip lo Borrow at 1 oclock. W. W. Cl off aad wife reUrnad lrom Salt bow UU Tuiay. u WlllCInff fattoa of Fork City waa bosiaesa. os here Tneaday Mrs. Deary Born, today, to Mr. and Mrs, 8. JaddMS.a boonring girl. All well. T. L. Allen went down yesterday aiornmg on AU transacting but with oar merchants today. Tb Co-received e carload of shingles ihi wock from Washington. op u Mn. Jeooph Harriot ol Murray Visiting friends boro tbi woak. Meaya girl doa't realise bow wU off until aftor obo got a husband. b wm to bait Lak hue-ba- nd Provo baa weak a for been visiting bar poet with her parents. Miss of Jnlia Rerlia, manager ef tbe Pert City telephone eicbanga, waa bar Tneaday on e visit. A fine baby boy aa born to Mr. and Mr. Joaopb Alloa Wednesday night. Wai. Boyer and family of Grantsvllle, All doing nicely. la Tooolo eeonty, aro visiting relative Richard Lambert traveling repressed Upton. stive of tbo Deseret News, waa bare 111m Agnes F am (worth west to Talk yesterday on bouses. City hat Saturday and pnt a wook g It isnt wbat a woman doesnt know so rsiatlvea. much aa why she doesnt know tbat it Tha E.f, bridge gang bar boon lo- counts with a man. cated ktr tbia work rapairing bridge Don Living ton of Salt Lak spent the cnlrerta,te. week here in the interest of the New It is eatier lor a girl to believe ib is York Lite Insurance Co. pretty than it ia for bar to asake other Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and girl believe it. Diarrhoea Remedy ha a world wide the reputation for It core. It aaver fails Robert Skelton, representing and ia pleasant and safe to take. For of Provo was her Skelton Fab. Co., sal by Jobd Boydon A Bon Druggists. Wednesday enboaiaeae. vte-itin- William Frost loft yesterday morniag Matrimony ia a school in which woman Dotearm moot of the things they lor Provo, where b went to take hia son, know abont men. Charles, who will attend tb B. Y. Academy this season. Mrs. Frost accomMiatkmma Olaoa. who baa spent panied them end was takas to Salt Lake several week hero with frlendi returned to receive treatment for her nose. to bar hem la Ogden Monday, Henry L. Bbattuck of Kbellsburg, 0. W, Cortia was bore tb for part of low o, was cured of e stomach trouble the week in the internet of the Interna-tioa- al with which he had been afflicted for of Cbemberlaiae yeara, by (onr box Correspondence be boo la. Stomach aad Liver Tablets. Be had tried many otbar remediaa Mia Rebecca Fnddiee want to fafc previously f. end a somber of physicians without City Tuesday, where eh will yieit ter a For aaW by Jobo Boydon A Son lw day before returning to Salt Lnka, Druggists. - Lion Coffco has no coating ef aterag eggs, glee, etc. Ira eoffew pure, aadulterated, fresh, strong and of delightful flavor and aroma. bosinos. Jana Ana Robinson the coffee reeater tefteae hia coCas with teat kind of would why Artak them! eggaf J, unhappy wifwieoo whoa always lets her bav bar own way. Mias ttoBGGS - as-lat- spent Tb Brat pnse waa was by Mr. C. 1. Wbsadoa, which consisted ef a beautiful sherbet set and Mrs. L. W. Williams wrn tb eon eolation prise. Ik games over, daliciooa refreshments A woman either adjust herself to her were aerved, which showed tbat tbs aurroooding, adjost bar snrroondinga beeteaa had taken great pains to so that to sail herself, or get a divorce. bar guest ware properly entertained. John Croft und son Milton war ap Mrs. 0. W. French delightfully enfrom Peterson ibis weak . Tb latter was her to take tba teachers examination. tertained Tuesday afternoon in honor of tbo hit tbdny of bar babys. Beat invitation war sent ant to all tha promi-nechildren ia town, and they war all thera accompanied by tbeir mother or guardian. Tb ladies were entertained by cards and other playing gam, w bile the little tote were am need in varioaa ways. They were all happy and had a most delightful time. Dainty refreshment wars served to them, which they greatly enjoyed. A greet many pretty nod valuable presents Alexander W right and family aad Jo war presented to Mn. Frenchs child-Bla- ck and familv left Wednesday more- - tea. lug lor iJooeyville, Boxlder county where Th home of Mrs. AlmaEldredge prethey will viait for a tew daya. sented a very beautiful appearance last Attorneys Henry Shields and J. M tvening, tbe occasion being o card party Lockhart ef Park City and Edward given by Mrs. Eldredgo and Mrs. North C, B. Stewart and Biamark Snycottia honor of Mia Edna Miliar of der ol Salt Lake were bar yesterday 8a!t Ink. About thirty guests ware attending district court. precast and partook of tbe evenings en- ' - - &0i w Ur. Janett Marshall returned home from ComberUad, where the Monday bad baas visiting her relstlvaa ter a few vttU. Mrs. Frank Darning and cbiidren left Ihla week (or Provo, where they will remain for tb winter so that the children eao attend school. The boat Stomach and liver Tablet. Easy to take. Pleasant la effect. For eel by John Hoyden A Boa Draggiate, physte-Cbambar- c- MUa laint Uartba Savage mtnrned horns Tneaday from Greea River, where she haa been visiting with Rev. aad Mr. Werner toe eovoral weak. ' Edmund Eld red g and wile and Mias Elsie Rbeod caaa out from Salt Lake Taeeday. Tb former will yieit for lew daye and the latter will remain. - I Mr. and lira. Orson Bird, Mr. aad Mn. Rtlph Foulton aad Mr. M. Wilkin oi Provo, accompanied Mrs. Frank Denting aad family on a camping trip up Chalk creek lest week. start tl lbs bowtes. Keep thorn open or you will bo tick. act like nature. Keep liver ad bowels active without a sickening griping feeling. Six million people tala god recommended CA8CARET8, try' alOc box. All drugguU. IaviUtiona wort issued tble week to the wedding reception to bo gives at the Lome of Ward E. Pack, Karnes, next Friday sight, Sept (th, ia honor of the marriage ot C. A. Caiiie and Graoe E. I "'pack. . AH diseases CA8-CAR- ,, Tba weak ended August 25ih waa W rm and without precipitation; tb was norabove tbs temperature slightly -, In frost occurred altitb mat; higher tad during tb middle of tb week, - am did considerable damage in Summit county. Elsewhere the weak was favor-ab- e for growing crops and for fall work. Lae grain field are being cut, aad .thrashing conLnnes throughout the State. Grain i of a fair yieU, and the quality la generally good, Coro, potatoes u d sugar beets continue to do Well, tomatoes era ripe and canning baa begun. CD X o CD CD 3 3 at CD O CD O) CD CD C r CD These Suits Cannot be equaled for tbe Me-Gor- io, joyment. Whist waa tba game played and Dr. French tuoceedsd in eaptariog Whereas, onr Heavenly Father, in first prise and Miss Edna hia divine wisdom baa visited an afflic- the gents Miller won th lady's prise. Refresh tion upon tha family of onr brother, Rov. manta of a moat delicious nature ware A. C. Warner, in taking from them thoir served and all present had a very enonly child, Uenevovo: time. B it Resolved, that th mam ban of joyable Summit Lodge No. 29, X. of P., tender ALL. WERE SATED. our sincere sympathy to th bereaved For yean 1 suffered each untold mifamily ia tbeir affliction, and, from sery Bronchitis, writes J. H. B it Further Besolvtd, that a copy of Broughton, Go., that ofJohnson, ot the resolution be aent to Brother ten I waa unable to work. Then, when The following teachore arehere taking Warner and copies printed in tb Coal every thing elao failed, I was wholly txamiuatioo , John K. Lemon, ReMa villa Time and Green River Stay, pored by Dr. Klnge Now Discovery for La aeon, Mary Consumption. - My wife sufisred 1902. Coalville, to, Utah, August Uaala Thomea, Aani Carruth, , Milton Dona Asthma, till it eared her, End all dor experience goe Croft, Lola Hoboon, Haneah Rbaadand to show it yocjic Mors savjed, is tb beet Croup medicine in the world. Martha Savage. The examination ia beA trial will convince yon its unrivaled ing conducted by Supt. W. M. Boyden, At Panama, CelamMa Sy Cnemkeriala's lot Throat nod Lung diseases. GuarCfcelnre Colic. ZHartheea wS Stems, C.A. Blocher, aad Oacar Crittenden. Chaa. H, Utter a prominent anteed bottle 50c and $1.00. Trial botA marriage that baa been kept a prophysician, of Panama, Columbia, in a tles free at John Boyden A Son. recent letter at aloe : Last March! had found aoerot over ainoa it occurred, Know which oido your bread ia but- as a patient a young lady sixteen years took plow ot Farmington, Aug. 17, tb of ago, who had a very bad attack of tend. contracting parties being Mia Katie La dysentery. Everything I prescribed lor Domestk infelicity ia a thorn in the of Wanahip, Summit county aad William her proved ineffectual and tba waa growing worse every boar. Her parent were flesh. Man dare, a clerk in tb Boyd Pork jewelaura aba would die. Bb had became o A birU ih band is worth two in the buah. ry etcr. Their friends, though much weak that ahe could not turn over in connow extending hearty surprised, are bed. What to do at tbia critical moment A smooth ara never i lakaa skilled mar- Deseret was a atndy for me, but I Wednesdays gratulations. though Haws. Chamberlain i Colic, Golem and Diar- iaers. rhoea Remedy and aa a last proscribed Knowledge without tbo powor to ap- it. Tbe most woundorful result was afJust Lack At Her. ply it la of very little mao. Thor is a fected. Within eight boors sbo was When tame that sprightly step, vast diffsivnes between book learning felling much better; inside of thready ah wag upon Lei feet at at tba end of a faultless akin, rich may complexion and practical ax peri nee, aad of tbo two, week waa entirely well. For ael by smiling bee. Bb iuoka good, feels good, the Utter ia Urn more important." "It la John Haraa bar secret. BbeaeeeDr. King A Bon. Boyden New lib Pill. possible for n very loaruod man to b utResult, all orgaae Aaeesamew He. 5. active, digestion good, no headaches, terly incompetent la tba practical werk so chance for blare. Try them yoursof hia department of knowledge How Copper Coin Mining company, office elf.25c at John Borden A Bon. Only often does the graduate who take all tba and principal place of busin, Coahonors at tha medical school or law lville, Utah. Notice is hereby given tbat at a meetschool fail in th practice of hia profesof tbe director, held on tha 7th day ing sion T During th first fsw years of August , 1902, an Assessment of one sod after graduation th doctor, tb lawyer, on half mills per share on the capita the aivll engineer engaged la the actual stock was levied on all outstanding daya work ot his profession practically shares, payable on or before September Ccaafaa Staamd C C C. lever cold ia balk. Jenrns tha whole thing over again. It is 10th, 1902, at th office of the secretary, f the daahrwta tries to aeQ at Coalville, Utah. if good." the man w bo can do things, who can Any stock span which the amassment make uae of bit knowledge who suc- may remain unpaid on the 10th day of ceed GOTO THE September, 1902, will be delinquent sod advertised for sal at public auction, and Most of us cosnt on the morrow as if unless payment is made before, ee many Globe n belong to us. W quits despise the of the ahare represented by each cerprevent which is ours and which wens tificate of th stock no delinquent a may For kStjIisb Hair Cit and as a mere footstool by which to climb in- be necenss ry will be told on the 30th day ol 2 1 at clock 1902, September, to to tbe fulcra. And yet tb present is p. m., Clean the delinquent assessment, together the only time which i really oar. It pav with the cost of advertising and expense Prop. L JL has been said that happiness consists of ! Fa Cnorr. mainly in expectation e something Secretary. By order of the Board of Director. to come. Certain it la that th realisation of on., hopes is always in e measure Coalville, Utah, Aognst7th, 1902. RESIDENT disappointing. The men who reaches tor power aad grasps it find ittroube-som- e m and tiresome. Tb mao w bo is Coalville, if ytm try to be wtaUby discovert, when b ilslt points ip tti rirer fill haa gaioed all hop'd for, tbn b is do 14 tbao when he was poor. Rnt happier experience doe not teach him rantion. Dd r f ao Wrong w 4 FRENCH, M- - D., L a Uf HQ acre or rtfa4 1 W He hopes tbat mar power or more mone v rkjsieUa and Burgeon, free trial will bring him tb happiness to which SHILOH 8 cow crat ad will nn." OFFICE AT RESIDENCE snmptjpe. Ppctuoooio. Bronchitis sad all b baa not yet attained. He still counts m C" or cot Coalville. dtiee orvwcat arrkwaa on the future, aad be keeps on It hM Lnr dotar thewe Urim for 10 counting rag? 2 to 4 p. m. from co-&CWBUI . Office hoar iorVw y. on it until death puts a quietus on bin ebon-rath- e boars should KdfTi Citvif n( Tm carncti a can who AH Stored hopes. Ex. a near as poasiM. Bmlth,-Mry"Wlk- Co-o-p past were played and the afternoon was ii a moat enjoyable manner. re-lte- J, E. Foster gad Thomas Harris ol Usatferwere up- yesterday oa busiaeaa Tristram OOUBKted with the Georg Coalville On of the moot aneceaaful card parties ever hold in Coalville was give by Mn. L E. EldredgoleaX Sntnrdey nfterneoo at her baaaufnl boos in honor of Miaa Emma Olson ol Ogdon. Only Indio were invited. Eight of hist eoAuvibLE Big Price. eo-o- p. Clearance Sale ladies Shirt Waists, Cambric Underwear, and Baby Bonnets, Cheaper than yon can buy the material and make them yourself. Also have a fine line of SUMMER DRESS PIECES. M. R. Salmon. r, ely a idri GRASS CREEK J. Barber Shop Shit i 0 reek i WELL SCREE1TED. Special Chute for Loading Teams. No Shoveling. am-bito- your, faith sl?- - Shilohs Consumption 0W. "" u Waiting. Grass Creek Coal Co. ras axvrwfa WUHam Pafsts OBssr to Cartk. 7 Mirmto wnttam Mutt Otm tte Cmth Bo You Use Paint? Hast of the world does and most of the world uses turn, Dr. W VISICK Dentist. No The SmmWfLum Part- - Its made to faint buildings tnstde end outside. Its made with, ready for the brush. s made for home use It and for practical painters too. Its pure lead, pure zinc and pure linseed Utah oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It's made for lit yw. O O O n SkarmU-WHti- PaiwtM Oow ' tilCartk For sale at BOYDENS DRUG e K' STORE. X |