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Show t'ulore rlal Meet. Ju.i lee.rls. Tom Jooea, the negro charged with prlmlually asaaultlug Mra. William rtiuilh near Hcven Hprlnga, N. C, Inflicting In-flicting Injuries from which Mra. Mmllh died, waa lynched near lha scene ol his crime by tra men. The nrgro waa captured, and after being positively Idenlitled aa Mra. hmltha esssilanl, waa placed In a barn to await the aherllTa arrival. Ten men disgulacd as oegroea surrouuded the hara aod driuauiled .lone, surrender. I poo balug ba-lug refused Hie men battered down the doora, and, placing Junes on a handcar, carried hlin lulu the woo. is, bound him lo a tree, aud tired two volleya inlo hia body. |