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Show SOME GOOD RIDDLES. ' 1 What herb la moat Injurious to la- j dies' beauty? Thyme. f Why la green graaa like a mouse? I Ilerauee the cattle eat 1L I Why la a woman'a age like a Bora - wedding bell? It la never told. N Why la the letter A like a honey- 9 suckle? Because a J follows It ,! When Is a note of hand Ilka a rose- . 1 bud? When It la matured by falling ' due. t'l What did Jack Frost say when he kissed the rose? Wilt thou, and It ' wilted. ' Why la a widow like a gardener? Because she tries to get rid of her ' Weeds What la It that la queer about fownra? They shoot before they have lutlla. What trade doea the sun fullow In tha month of May? The trade of ma-eon ma-eon (May sun). Why la asparagus like most aer- j mens? The end la the part that pooplo enjoy the most. j At what age may a man be aald to belung to the vegetable kingdom? , When long experience haa made him j sage. Why la a young lady like a aheaf of wheat? She la first cradled, then thrashed, and finally becomes the flour of the family. 1 i |