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Show TRAIN ROBOtRY IN IDAHO. Hvn Mf II.. Id I Train Mnl are Ml Kurlrh-tMl for 1hlr Tntuhla. The weathoiind Northern ratilllc train wa he'd up at Hand Point, Ida.. aiity-Mve mllea eaat of Spokane, Wan It., at II o'clock Mouday ol-trht. The rob-bera, rob-bera, of whom there were aeven. forced the engineer to atop the train, after which they uncoupled the ba if gaffe car. Then they compelled the etijrl-neer, etijrl-neer, at the point of a revolver, to pull up the track about three mllea further, where they tried to wreck tha baffgafft car with dynamite. The exploalon felled to work fur aoma unknown oeuae, and after attending fift-een ttn uiea mt the car tbe robbera da- camped, rllowlii( tb eniflneev to g back to the train with hla engine. Two other thiiffa had guarded lha train, keeping the paaAentrera Inalilf by Hrlntf revolver alone; the aidea. No attempt waa made to moleat the paa nifera, and after the rnfflne came back the other robbera left, and the train came on to Hpokene, |