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Show USE FOR A MILLION "j Seated with some congenial cronlns In a cool corner of a root garden the other night wss James Connor Hes'h. actor, playwright, wit and raconteur. They had been discussing wealth and what It meant lo he a man of millions when Roach said: ' "Now, how many of us here to-nltlit know what a million dollars really means? How many people In general know? "Hume think of a million as a rherk for that amount signed by George tlould and Indorsed by Hussell Hsge. Others picture great heaps of gold, "When I hear poor chaps like us speaking of millions I think of the story of three of my countrymen who were digging a sewer up In Harlem. "They had ahovela with very short ltandlea and the dirt had to be thrown higher the deeper they dug, so the longer rthey worked the more energy bad 'to be expended. "Una iukiu hour they were aeated aloug the fence, eating dinner, whrn I'at said: "'Dyes, do yes know what I'd do If I had a mlllyun dollars? I'd buy meant me-ant Job as porther on a Puilman car and splnd the rlst of me days In lu-ury.' lu-ury.' "Mike removed hia pipe from hl mouth, sighed ss he looked at his empty emp-ty pall and said: "Well, well now, would vex? I'd bur me one or tliein big corner saloons with all lha look in' glasses, and Iv'tr Uuih I took a ill ink l u re. nieallf H times takln' tt.' "The whistle summoned them to work w hen Jltn gave bis opinion. 'Holding his lame old back wl'.h one hand and rnacnlng for bis shovul, he declared: " 'If I had a mlllyun dollars I'd acd two feet to the hstidles of all then shovels." "New York Times. |