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Show UTAH STATU NEWS I'Uli mD will push Ilia itorli on tlia Bali Lake and Cooe Hay railroad from j llila toil of Id Una. Four thousand were la attendance at lh reunion of llleck Hawk veterans !' t I-ehl, U vetercn bring In llua at drill, i Tlia Women' C'lirllin Temperance i I'nlon of Hall Lake la preparing fur crusade lo thai city against th drink habit Miai Nslde Hoy la of l-elil, waa thrown from a buggy d aiietalr.ed a dlaloca-lion dlaloca-lion of Ilia hip. bar tacap from death betog a narrow ona. Thomas Spiking, who araa run ovet by tatreal car lo Halt l.aka City and aufferad lha lose of a lay, baa alora eurcumbrd to his Injuriaa. Tha Halt Lek.slreet care ara to hara feodara. tha .iiperlot.nd.nl of tha road Baking tha annouoeamant that ail cara will ba provided wllu fandara lo aburt tlma. John llanley, aged of Knrrka, had both hla handa badly Injured by tha explosion of a g lant cap which ba and om coin panlone found and with which the were playing. Spark, from a pawing train aat tra , to ealnon building lo l.ajrlon laat week, tha voluntetr flr department a.vlng Ilia bnllillnf after a lota of eilO had bean atislained. Calvin II. Toller, an attorney of Halt I,ake City end at ona tlma prominent In Michigan alat politic, committed aulclcle earljr on Ilia IMlli, by taking ooagh niorplilu lo kill a doren men. Tha flock Mountain Hell Telephone company haa annoiiorrd positively that II contemplated lloa from Kalrelew ever tha mounialna lo Hcoliald baa lo abandoned fur tha preaeot at Irut. Hstnleh Fork la agitating the change by Me Klolirande I lu main Una lo Ukelt through that town. It I argued ar-gued that lha preunt Una can b great!! Improved upon nd all parllaa graatli benefited. L 1 Work la progressing i ft dly em the ' Denver Horthwaalera V,n Vaeltlc L railroad the Hall Lake- . over abort J lis and It la la clalaed that lha road will b running iralnt Into ball l.aka within two yeara. I Hymn It.ld. an eliasVyear-old Halt Lake buy, whll playing elreua with aoma oilier bojra, shot In Ilia leg with toy pistol dangaroua wound I ii Dieted, lha lade III balug deapalred of for lliue. Tha Iwo year-eld daughter of Mr. and Mra. Wllllaat Moigaoof Hall l.aka, wa drowned I Irrigation dllch Haturdey last, the Hllle oue falling In while trying " " narrow 'nea.lgale 0r '' "'. Tha body ' Peter Audaraon, . lha Park City hermit, waa fouud In bia lonely cabin, It being tha general opinion lb"1 n" ,,,, l"ett to death. II waa " eccentric character and waa aid to be worth liu.ooo. I rlldav Cbalker, a I .'-year-old Halt l.aka bar. wa playing with a revolver wbaa b " policeman approaohlng. Yoof,hu"r aiulrarored loaacral lh, weapon, It exploded and he re-eel"' re-eel"' C'u'u' "ound In tha llilgli. Illrycllat King of Halt Lake waa bad y lajured In an accldeot at th National Na-tional Circuit btcyula racea at Aabury l ark, N. J., lest week, when ha waa badly hurt almul Ilia head and hit right cur nearly eevercd from hi" brad. Harry V, llynda, who refereeil the recent llool-tiardner tin hi In Halt Lake, waa aarloualy lujured Friday of laal iwaek while biittlliig near t'hayanue, hia horaa falling on him, hla cheat lie-Ing lie-Ing eruahed and hla head cut lu aeveral placea. Charlea llutha, lielter known at !' Dutch rharlie, charged with tha ruur- darof William Tlbbilta of the l.a Hal . ranch, Just over lha Coloredo-1'lah lloa lo tub, waa, laat week at Monti eello, couvlcled of murder la lha Aral degree. Solomon PeUrsuti.of ttanlaiiulu, we, drowned In Aprltig Lake, while bath-' bath-' log with number of frlanda. It It thought lha young man waa taken with eranipe, aa ha aank before any of hli cumpauluna could go to hla asalat- ( nce. Nawa eomee of lha death of Martin Kelleon of Provo. Martin anllated aa . ona of th Hough Rider In lb Kiaoitk s war. After aervlng In Ilia United 1 Hlatea cavalry ha enllaled aaona of lha : Mouth African hure guarda aud died I lo Africa. i Lucky Jo, an Indian, who In early daya waa a terror U the Overland Ntage company, waa murdered at the Indian ranch fifteen mllea from Iliap.-ili by hla aon, Ibajieh. an all-roun.l bad Indian, who clublied hla father to death with a Winchester. William William of llyrum, on Friday Fri-day of laal week, fell from lha top of bayelack and waa Instantly killed, lie waa 7S yeara old and waa ona of the pioneer rraldenlsof Cache county, liar-sv. liar-sv. Ing lived at llyrum for nearly forty yeara. , ; ( y |