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Show ggi THE LAND OP DEATH I -"7',AN HACO, the ninut mya VJJT '"rloi.a Imi on the American ' " ... ' continent, and poHsihly In the 1 1 1 world, ha claimed anolhrf J ,,n'l f Wctima; again tho i I'll.ieiiayj rlvi-r ha proved Itself rt.- 1 serving of (hi- (Ml., ali on In it by tho ""Uvea ol Paraguay. Argcntin anil Ho- 3 livla Itivcr of lcaih. 3 . TIo ' iclllua .if thn unknown 3 .l'-o ar llm ram'..! Iiallan explorer, "i lintilu lli.sfciui . a... I lila parly. Knim J Aoiliclon In Paraguay lh mm haa J : reached Aincriian geographers that j , ! parly haa Im-.-ii officially pro- ' i,..unced l. n.l Willi ihn alaylng if llogglann, Oran i Clii' o, triiiinilianily keeping lla ! awr.-t. tin ........fully dcllcd rive J i.iu.na -Frain e, Hpsln, (lermany. It. p. 'r ml Puruguay. Each of them L : .. ' tJ- , . L . 2 FntraiK to Land of Oaalh. sent Iih beat explorers ami to nimo ill. I ili.'lr mm r.'inrn alive, 'l (rcveaiix. nf France; Ihnrrelto, of -, Rpaln; l.ls'a, nf Paraguay; Hlrvcn', S of Ucrmany. an. I llogglano nf Italy. " all alerted from tint hordora. illvi'.l V li. i. tl"1 primeval forests of El (Iran ' ( lia.n, rcachd llm I'llroinsyo rlvir ami ilinit"aiv.l forever. I N ) man haa gone In anil emerged j alive. What Itirlia In lla twilight for- 1 ci a that alaya no aurHy? j Look on tin. map of H.nilh America. 1 Hi'iKwn lh triiiilo of Capricorn ami liulliirn ao toulh. anil lii'tw i l.ii.gliu.lo rs ami C.j wi'at. la a patch that la l.'ft a I moil entirely blank. That pat'!) (nntnlin morn than 7 j.ixm H'tuarH miles, alHi.it which uian know milling. It la the terra Incognita of Iho Am.Ttcaii continent. Five monilia ago Outdo llogglano started frnin Asuncion with an ei-p.-diilon of all Inillana anil a peon tu fullow the path that so many other In. I taken before lilro anil that lia.l M thorn In ilraih. Men hanl from Ina only intra afior ha hail l.'tt rlv-lluailon, rlv-lluailon, aa hi passed through Puerto Cu.o. Thi.n rainn a tvk of lli'tirii, broken by Ihn arrhal of two of tho nip.mtiim. Kvcn In that one wwk banlnhtpa anil tt.rrora ha4 hwomn too much nr thoni anil thi'y had fled to-ward to-ward MU.'.l country. Thry r.'Mirti'.l that tli Una of man h hail bona IhrotiKh eaimtant ilanKi'ra and tnrntiKh ninalant yi..ry. I'nanrn enmla lia.l atta.ki.1 thoin hy tlay and by nlKtit. UnMrn anlmala had prowled on Ihnlr ttul. I'nawn thliiKH had InirlflKd thx Indian tiultmra. ao that avpu than It.uaiMiio waa nmllnn It alumni al-umni ImiwuKlt.l t form thorn on. That la the lut that haa hrnin hnard by man of Uulilo HiiKKlano and hie party. No doubt the entire ximm1. II. in waa dxalrnyod, prcauniably by Ihn flun e, pia.-tl. ally unknown TuImh lii.liami. i I hn niakna the awond enftrdlMon to vanuh within a year. Klrnt tu mi'nt fate In flrnn Chaio waa Dr. Cn'ri'aui. He alarti-d Inn thH Interior In IHxil with lane and well armed party, and forei'd hla way fur aeveral moiilha throuab the wilder-ui'ita wilder-ui'ita alunit the IMIi-oniayo linlll ho p.-ni'lral.st Into thn Tobaa country. ..ar the llollvian bouii4ary, where thn eipmlltlon, worn and thinned o il liy r.inatant rlulilliiK a.l harilahlpa. Ml Into the bauda of the Indiana, who aii.lilonly appeared from all quar tnra and mannarreil all The fale of the Cnivvi xprrilllon only served to lnere the eaat-nn-as of eiplorers to tear tl1 veil that hid thn unknown land. And that vanorneni next waa to r..t the III of one f the moat siil--..ofiil and earneat Mnd ilarltm i pl.iiera that ever wai In Hinilh Amur- ''I Ho waa lUnii.d l.l'. whom the world tivduy niea much of Ita ki.nwle.lne or 1'aii.tuay. Aritentlna aud Pataa.inis K many years he . iM ' :- I . 1 1 j Rnon Liata. 1 lad lived al'.i"t ronatantly In the 1 wild. at purt of the i-i.niluint. He Mtta the !lri4 tn.iu to vend out from 4 ' , depth ft I'alaK.Mila tho report t of the Ii.innll'h' emmeii.e there ol a ' '' miin(r.i.i nliinil. the myl.iiUiii. a Klmil al.iih.uii mnil aa an ox, tliut - Miul iiiiiliil ft niti piehli.n Ir iluya. tie ropoilgil .ili.-iiii.nily that one evenlim b bad een nh.it at a.uiiu . ..' . huH eii'ueiiu lluil mlKhl Iiiivo In-eu It. nut V M le turn.'.l hla bullet. Und the kIi. no of the foreat nude pur- null lllip.tf-lhl... I Uain.ui l.l-.ia, thin on the threshold, pohnilily. of e..i.hal dln.overy III modern aoild history, net hip fH' e t.e wind l:r'ii;in t'huro. He pu.si.ed Imw ' oint lh iiii.-niioHt roiitler of hunnii: " I i i "v v I... dwoJIfT,. urid whh rinnfl and mn pml(tlr( mwmy Ut romU thn I'tltunifiyo river. And when ho pRddlM Ihm wiiy ha paHrtfd nut of human ilRht fnri'vr. Knr 1 It lllvrr of iH-ath hi urtr Ktvn him tip. FiaKrnriitrt of hla afory hav drHtod to th outer wurtd. and from the alorli-a told by ImaNtful Indiana and tii at allured rumora drought to M llviau and I'araKiiayan and Arncn-tlnlnn Arncn-tlnlnn frcmilcr mh(. It la known that he fnrrd hla way far up lht rivor, rontondltK a'alnxt nalur and wild ltanta and wild m.-n allka, until, thor-oiiKhly thor-oiiKhly worn out and aadly diminished In nuintHTM. th rxpedltlon found It-a-lf rut off from Hther rtn-al or ad-aiHf) ad-aiHf) ly thn allied forrea of human fo. and hutiK'T. Kor tho Imllana, randy aliowimt themnHvra, hut ron-atantly ron-atantly lurldnn around thn parly, not only jilrkid off any nu-iiilMTa of tho rxprdltlon who atinyi'd i-ven allKtitly from tho ninlti nily, hut prevmiH"! all huntlPK At iHHt I i party waa n reduced hy privation that panl-T lidded Homi and deHnlr olhera. And hen raine aiinlhl!ntlnn. an thut nono retiiriK d. I.lnfa htmaelf, no nnn havn learneil alnrt thru, waa on of llm taut to dlile. Ho vnt hritlnrd hllf h Uy atnrlnic. And a altered cwr many nill.n of roreHt trnlla lie h.a rom panlona, puraued and killed in 0iv. Whllo ItoKulniut'a futo waa atl'1 i'.-known, i'.-known, ('apt. Hlrvent, a Cermnn lr-atnirtor lr-atnirtor In Ihn (';ilrnn army, ntiirtw; with hla aon to i-nter Iho V nr roun-Iry roun-Iry from tho went. I In eipcrlrd ti return In a ntimlh. Hut thrt-n pHHi-d and no hIkii lamn from tho unknown Innd. Now. arrordltiir to tiewa Jut r- reived III Anx-rlt a ('apt. HoJm.4, of tho I'araKiiavan army, who attirted from Iho ent to piarrh for him, haa returned to Villa Hnyea nmned after I'refildent Iluya to rommemoratM hla aetllement of thn I'nrntnmy ArKi ntlnn boundary dlapute wllh the almimt pta lllvn Information that Ihla expedition a I mo haa been destroyed. Capt. Ho Jaa found flint It ha I approached tho vicinity of Ihn arenn of lharreta'a death, a".d then, uu tho bank of Typical Scene on Pllcemayo. the I'llroninyo river, had perlihed, lo prove, anew that the Htver of Death atlll deflee the world'a eltorta to dispel dis-pel Its mystery. Talaaeepe to Blart a Wand Boom. Vrof. Turner ilerlsrea that the eree lion of the observatory on Mt. Hamilton Hamil-ton sent up Ihe value of land In that rvalon ronalileruhly. Aci-ordlnnly, aome enlerprlalnx (entleman In another an-other nelKhboihiKMl, dealrlnK to teat the iienerallly of the lw that It larun telw-ope were built the value of land In Ihe neighborhood woul 1 ao up, annoiinred a atlll laricer tel eaeoH, and ordered two IIMm-h dtaes of (laaa for the lens. Tho experiment aurceedi.! admirably admir-ably and they weru ao well aatlatlod with Iho rlae In prlen whl. h followed on the mire announcement (ao the story Roeal, that they ronaldereil It uunereaaary to proi-ucd further with tho Instrument. The two lenaea were produced, and, not b.nic claimed, wero left on the maker'a handa, the result being that Iho favorable opportunity for Ihu purchase pur-chase was brought to Mr. Yerkea attention, at-tention, and he bought them for the great tclcacopo that l.eara hla name. This, al .east, la Prof. Turner'a version ver-sion of .'.') s'ory. Ban FraiuUco Ar-r. Ar-r. mailt. |