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Show Notice. ! UxiTxn Statb Lani Orxicx I Bilt Lax Cm Utah, I Aug-, mt. To Whom it may Cencam: Notice I hereby given tbathe State of Utah hae filed in thla oflw llata of land (elected by the eaid S'n under eectioo 12, ol the Act ol Coneia ap-oroved ap-oroved July IS, 18H4, The fthwlng trectt embraced In eald lltlt, tie In townahlpt containing mineral cltiia ol record, vlx.: Mat Nn. 110, Reeervolre. the WUSE hi See. 10, Tp. 8 N., R. 7 K. Lltt No. 181. Reeervolre, the HIV NWJj KEhi See. 34, Tp. 31. R. 7 E. LlatNn. 132. Reeervolra, the NWW NWihRU KWX NW.BWli Sec. 34.NHWHKM SW Hoc. 20, Tp. Sti., U.. 7K 8. L.Mer. K. Llat No. "I. :hol ol Mlnea, Ihe BW " R. 7 E., H. U afer. v Copieaoltaid litte, to .araalheyre- f late lo laid tract, b detcrlptlve eubdl- vltloni, bar been oontplcuoutlr potted In thit office, for Intpeotlon by any per- ton Intereated, and by Ihe public gen- V erally. ( During the tlxty dayt next following ' the date ol thie notice nnder depart- V mental Inetructioo ol November 27, i 18IIH, (23 L. D 4o0), pruleate or contetle aeaiuat the claim ol Ihe State to any of , 1 . the iraetv or in bdi vltloni hereinbefore : H drtcribed, on the ground that the tame ', t la more valuable lor mineral than lor ' V agricultural purpotet will be received ' '( and noted lor ieiort to tbe Guneral Land Office, at Washington, D. 0, Fall- X . ure to to protett or con let within the . ' ' ' t iiib rpecitled will be nomidered uf- flclent evidence of the non-mineral character of Ihe laid trade, and the ae- leciion thereof, being otherwlae free j Irom objection, will be rocnminnnded lor approval, I FHX D. Hoaua, Reglater. Gxnaox A. Smith, Receiver. 8-15 1010 I |