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Show How Do Vou Make a Xlrcla? Tha Intelligence of people may be gaugod by asking them to make a circle oa paper with a pencil aad noting In which direct loa the kaads moved. The gixid ' student lo a mathematical class drsws circles from Isrt to right. ' The Inferiority of th. softer sea aa well aa the male dunces Is shown by Uielr drawing from right to left. Asylum pstlents do the ume.-Londoa Family Doctor. Famous family of Physicians. 1.ord I. later, the eminent physicist who Is In attendance en King Kd ward, comes of a long Una of die tlngulshed msdlral men. Edward I. later was physician to Kllzsbelb and James l and his younger brother Hlr Matthew, filled the same office tc Anno of Denmark, James I., Charles I Martin l.lstvr, son of Hlr stsrtln and nephew of Hlr Matthew, was a famoua zoologist and also second physician to Queen Anno. Ixird Lister Is now 76. Ills discovery In 111(17, known at tho antiseptic Irestment, rendered possible the operation on the king Ixird Lister has tho distinction of be Ing tho first medical peer. |