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Show An Aspsrague Pest, A Bulletin of the Deneva station . - - i says: In ln!6 many asparagus plant t were found to contain. Just below the surface of the ground tbe little flax- ' seed like nodlrV'whirlt frirrii on stag In the life history of mm of the files, like the Hessian fly. Adults' have now been rnlsed from these "flaxseeds" ,., ' and found to be small, metallic-black J - files alKiut ory sixth of an Inch': In t ,', ' ' ', length. They are found to be quits , " ' common on the" flowers an,d ' bradch- " . lets of the nsparagua, eapecttlly on . plants Hint have been entcp Into by v , . ! the asparagus beetle. " Tn maggots, , or larvae, ot these files art) about one- , tlfth of an Inch In length, somewhat ' "' "' ' j llnttened and of a Inineparent-whlts T ..: k . t color. They are folirsl ki mine In the ,t ,.,rt., . ji spa nag us sivui, Just, hnanatii th epl- , t Jertula, the. rmiie.,iistially,!,bcglnnlng ' ' ? near iie surface of lb ground and x-. , .. .- , . , tending diagonally downward, about j ..,:.,' tbe stem below grnuud for a distance of three or four Inches. On wedllng ' " , hcMs and newly st bed, th mining t ,.,,,. ,. , ofi these mnggots hna caused an roe In- , Jury, especially, during lu(0 but no .jnrsitis trouhlo has been observed en ' ' 1 ' cutting beds, .though they ar prob- , ably numeroua, nough tb caiiee som , ( , weakening of'.tha plant. Th seedlings seed-lings turned yellow snd died much enrller than they would naturally do. TUo maggots chani(ed to pupnrla th ' "flaxseed" stage In the full and - ' 'ft show on the Infested stems as small, , . ,. i, oblong!-: dsjrk-browirj raised poU be- ." neath tii. tiddormla of tb lUlk near the base, 1 bough .the Insect Is not ' '' ' , i yet a serious peat, it, will bo well to adopt Bonis represslViy'messnres should , ,.,,- U appesr upon a bed. The1 eggs of? th first brood are probably deposited " ' early In June, so no small shoots ., i should ho allowed to grow on th cut- ' ting. beds to reeelv the eggs. -Pull- ' ' lug; th .old stalks. In the fall and '. -' J bbrnlng them' when dry will destroy , ( many of th purmrla.- - 1 , . Harvesting Polatoss. .. . . The time' for. harvesting pot oe I , f . Indicated by,, th dylnj of th trine. Th ripening' procesg. In - th tubers '' goes on up to thl; time, and it 1 ' therefor not wis to attempt to harvest har-vest before that t:rne. If dug while Irumatura, tb quality, will not b so good aa It. will bs If tb tuber ar left jn th ground till mature. On . , , tb rthsr hand, If left too leng In th 1 groncd diu uy Is llkuly to set. In. W hav knuwu pntatoea leit In th Oejd I 1,4 too long-till ,e- ground frose hc ' har,d . to Uerualt ot digging., rbi t uut llkoly , to. occur, but has occurred " ' some year when sinter csra very early. Th man wth a small pstch ol potatoes will dig hla by hand but tn man that h a krg quantity to be harvested cannot slord to do It In th old fashioned way. II must d- T" - pend on som of tb rst-clas potato pota-to digger that ar ot th market. Plowing out th tubers Isoractlced by 1 some farmsrs, but thla I vardly a de-Irabl de-Irabl method, aa by It a treat many . . , . potatoe ar Injured. It h better to , J Invest In a tool mad expaxsly for ' f tb work. ; . r ' ' j 'Amsrlcsn Packing Bat 1 ' Th Htat Department haa pl(shed ' j th following report from hshard ' , Weetocott, acting consul genes) ,1 . ' . i London: "I have recently receiwj communication from W, B. Uoy, of ' i Leicester. cbaJrnjan of th confers " I of th National Federation of Frttt-erers. Frttt-erers. at Cardiff, slay 12 and 13, 11, j transmitting a copy of a rssolutlw l adopted by th federation, whlV ' ! reads: 'This federation wishes to cat I your attention to th unsatisfactory I way lu which American apple ar i packed, and ask If, It 1 .not possible ,. , for you to silopt th sum system l (' Canada, ami have all tb applos graded ' and stamped with th government J stamp. Hy so doing, you will largely : i Increase the demand tor best quality, and, consequently, the price of Amerl- I r can fruit,' Canadian apple ar now J graded and (tninpcd with the government govern-ment stamp, and for all barrels eent ', ; ,. -out without the stamp the sender Is Ha- hi to a flu of $1 for each barrel." I A Government Date Orchard. V A dispatch from Pboonlx, Arlxona. k. to th Chicago Packer says: Th govt rnment Is going Into the business of date culture on largo scsle. At th . j experimental station near here bag Just been planted the largest data or- i ' chard In America, and perhaps in th world. Kiv acre have been planted ' i with varlou kinds of data tree Im. ' . ported from Africa, beside about 1,000 ' seedlings. The Department of Agrl- , ' ' culture seems to have no doubt that th date palm will ultimately solv th problem of what to do with tb arid and alkali land of AH ton and other parts of th West. Experiments . ' have demonstrated tb groat posslblll-tics posslblll-tics of the Industry. ' ' ' i Ileport from the poluto grower Indicate In-dicate that the yield of potatoe I llkoly to be good, as they are being extensively ex-tensively grown thl year all over ths ' country where potatoe are grown at any tlmo. '! he high prlcea of potatoes pota-toes during the past year has silo,,,. lated the growing ot this artlclo of food. Not only has the Held acreage been Increased, as shown by government govern-ment reports, but the gardens have a ' , larger crop of potatoes than usual. There are millions of such gurduns la, ' tho country and their output, w'hilai not entering luto commerce, will' cut qulto a figure la ho' totals-. , |