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Show TRUE WORDS SAID IN JEST. '" Mountain dew has caused lorrenta of trouble. It's Ihe pipe story that sells the gold brick. Accident Is Iho foolish child of rarelessness. Job had a great many' trials; ao baa the wealthy criminal. Tim young lady with a bank account ac-count needs no cosmetics. The beauty of poverty Is the freedom free-dom from chainpngno headaches. A woman ran pack a trunk, but It takes a man lo stuff a ballot Ix.x. Tho law of entail generally means curtail ao fur aa someone's rights aro concerned. Writers of the poMlcnl side of farm life have no Inclination to try the prosaic side. Waa New Ei gland made for pumpkin pump-kin pies, or were pumpkin plea made for New England? fllvo woman the ballot and aha would refrain from electing to office one of her own aex. A gun can give a hoy more pleasure and hla rarouta morn misery than anything manufactured. Home people Imagine tnat they can stand well only by an effort to appear V better than their superiors. I When a life-long student dies with old age he ran claim to have gained only the alphabet of knowledge. , j It la no longer necessary for one to be past master In the art of awenring to hold the ponltlou of steamboat mate. A young mnn hunting a gem on the matrimonial beach rarely plrks up the girl who considers herself the only pcbhlo. About the lime a young man gets his first ehsvo you will find among his effects a book on etiquette and a letter let-ter writer. Knowing how to do the doublo shuffle shuf-fle Isn't worth aa much to the farmer J 1 aa knowing what to do with the dou- j 1 ble ahovel. ) 1 The poor man who haa traveled I over the road of adversity gela his ( I hand In his pocket quicker for char- , I Ity than does tho wealthy man wU I I has known naught but prosperity. , 1 |