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Show AaeeaameaM Me. S- CopperCoin Mining company, office and principal place ol buaineae, Coal-villa, Coal-villa, Utah. Notice it hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing ol th dlieclore, held on the 7th day ol Aoguat, lV02,naeeeamentnl one and on hall Willi per ahara on the capital etock wa levied on all outitanding aharea, payable on or be lore Hepltmber 10th, luXli, at the oftceol the ecretry, at Coalville, I'Uh. Any etock npen which the abatement may remain unpaid on the 10th day of September, will be delinquent and advertiacd for aala at public auction, and onlest paymeul ia made be lore, ae manv ol the aharea n-preaonted by rarbcer-tillt-ate of the e'ock ao delinquent aa may be im Binary will beaold on tlie30lhday ol September, lWU, at g 'clock p. nj., to pav the delinquent aeaciament, Vogthcr with the coat ul a-lverliaing and etpena olal. Fnamk Caorr, Secretary. Hv order ol the Hoard ol Direeiora. I Coalville. :uh. Annual 7th. 1001. |