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Show stakes the food more delicious and wholesome Mtintlcra All Recorde. Twice In hoapital, F. A. Golledge. J Verbena, Ala., paid a vaet turn to doe-1 tort to cure a eevore caee ol pllet. caue-1 Ing 24 tntnort. W hen all lailed, Buck-len'e Buck-len'e Arnica Salve aoon cored bim. Subduea Inflammation, conquere Achet, killt l'alnt. ilett ealve la tbe world. 26c at John Boydrn A Bon drug atore. are Cave ov fllea Itching Pilee produce mol-ture and eauae itching, thit form, ae well aeUIInd, Uleedingor Protruding I'ilee are cured by Dr. Ho-ian-ko'e Pile Remedy, rlb.pt ii'ihlng aud bleeding. Anaorba tumora. 50; a jar at Druggiatt, orient by mail. Treatnae free ; write about yourcaae. Dr. Boaauko, Philada. Pa. For sale by John Boydea A Hon. Hlopa Hie 4 wuli uud worke ulf the Cold. laxative Ilrouio-Quinlne Tabletacure a 'h' in one day. No Cure, no Pay. PWie ttoeau. Your return curd priuted on too envt'lopg for 7 cents at THE TJMUS office. I lriwTWtiwaTTnTmK, wrwaei rwn. Kr - It le peilectly uaderetood by every tick man or woman that II tbey can get eome remedj that will ttnp the gradual lote ol flveb and ttrength, their recovery ie allured. al-lured. People that are nervoue and nn tteady, bave dixay apella, with weakenM tuemoiy, and Iota el ambition t heir blood It iWn aod watery. It thowt In their allow complexion and tired manner, toon at they commence togain fleab they look better and tleep better. To gain from one to three Ibt, ol good eolid fleah per week, the blood mutt be madi rich and pure. Dr. Gunn'a Blood and Verve Tonic putt In the body tbe very pltb ol hat inakea pure rich blood in tbe molt direct way, and curee diteaieby making trengih. Thie Tonic la in tablet lonn, to be taken right alter meale. Itenrlchee tht blood, making force where there wai lalntnete. For wontea'e weakaeee a better remedy wae nrver mide. Sold by all Drngglita lor 75oti. per box, or three boxei lor (2.80, by mail. WriU ue about your sate. Addreie, Dr. Gunn, Philadelphia, Pa. For tale by John Boydea A Bon Coalville Utah. ISeud us your orders for all .kiuilsofjob Work. J C . I ACerer.rt'hulera loftntuin. j j ' Lett May," aaya Mn. Curlie Halier, l' ot Ilookwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of rour iirlghber' aaa tuirerinii from chol- I ert infanttiin. The doctor had given up t all hopet ol recovery. I took of Cham- herlain'a Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy to the hnure, tlllng tlieni I t felt lure It would do good If ue accora- J lug Ui direct'oua. In two day'e llmw v the child had fully recovered, and le f now (nearly a year tlnce) a vlgoronw. f j healthy girl, I have recommended thie f ' Remedy frequently and heave n.iver 1 known it to fail lu anyalngle Inn. nee." ' For aale by John Hoyden k don DruggleU! I f |