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Show f 1 Lalt Pteaaauit, Plraae, '' , PholographarO. 0. Uarlaa, of Eaton I j,.; O., can do to aow, though lor yaara ha . aouldn't, baoaaaa ha auOTarad untold ; I arajr Iran lha worat lora ol indlgvat- i I toa. All phjairiana aad mailicinaa fw.il I ad to halp bia till ha triad Elaotrio Blt- ton, which workad loch wondara lor hla that ha daclaraa tba ara a god tend ta auflerart Iroa d;apepaia aad atomach treublai. Uariralad lor dlaaaaaa ol tka Stomach, Li Tar and Kldnert. the? build aj ap and gtra ntw Ilia to tba whola ara- ;' toa. Try thaa. Oalr K)o. Uuar- '; aataadbyJoha Boydaa Boa drug- I TKa Sw.ll LaJn Tnkwna. Tbit la oampalga taaraad lyaar which ( promltra to give aa much Important t aawa In every avenue of Ilia. II yon -want a great and fair daily oewauaper, ! yon abould Uka Tha Bait Ute Tribune. ' Tba Wabbly Tiibana le aa aaoellent j nowepaper. And Tba Inter UouoUia ' .farmer and HwclmiD, publitlied aleu ( by The Tiihune fubliebing ranpauy, -will be Invaluable tola aare and ranch- J Mnen everywhere. ' Wc cau do your job work. It la like anyothrf property, It rune drrwa or iaprovee, fnet dependtoa how it la eared lor. It I lha aoai valuable property prop-erty aa have, and tboald renelv tha oMMtooaaldaretioo. Ithelpeyoaiayonr baaln, halpi gned tooka, balpa make Irtoadebalptgetaaltuatiwna and help yoa hold thaa, aad alweyaaakee bappt-aaaa. bappt-aaaa. lroparty Ilka thlt. at Ihalret la-diaalioa la-diaalioa of bring oat of repair, thoald ba looked altar aod a remedy applied at aaoa. Thar ara aay a am bar of eigne that a how repaira ara Beaded. Biliuaa epelle, Indlgaelloa, dvepepeia, blehlng-diulaeee, blehlng-diulaeee, eiek-head, aallew completion-plapleeand completion-plapleeand livar-epoteen tha faca, a droway tlaopy feeling altar aaala, tonr atoraaeh. eta. Theee aapiaaa all thaw weakaaea, and the property nreda repairing. repair-ing. Drorglila will aril you for 2Scte., a Iboi of Dr. Uaaa'a Improved Llvar Plllt, tha beet remedy la lha world for any of thee ilia, or wa will tend a bog pot-ptr or receipt of It. a ta Haa plea lr. Only 'one pill lor a doae Write Dr. Ciuan, rhilada., Pa. For tale by ioha Boydea A boa Coelville Utah. It'a tha prlvllea of a aoaan't laa Irlead to abaaa bar olhar friaodt Id bar. Mot Inlrequaatly lha wadding ring Ita elrel that aqaara tba debta ol a pout aaa. -- - 5 Tkte eltweler le ea everf baa af aha gaael Laxative BnHTio-Qtilnine tm. an n It Ikat eeia a aaaa aa mm awrv I Reduced to FIFTY I CENTS A YEAR Hew Idea M Woman Dollar Magazine - THIS hi Ik cAaaaaat and haat Faaruon Magailna now ba-for ba-for d Amarioaa puMo. Itehowa New Ideaa a Fan lara. In Millinery, la Embroidery, a Coovunr. la Womaa't Work and In Reamng-. kaMwrully MtwMrw4 In eaters aad la Mack aad while. Atov alt. tt shows at vary rajhlonabla New loss Smm, mad from New laa Par-rawa, Par-rawa, which ooet only fO. each. Snd Flvt CratiTo-tfa tainiBitiiinlM1Mrt Bmuuki. ana M W faat wm h ike iiiiii a ma awe am. a A U tta e4ar. Tavt, .' "if .linn, " P Scientifically Distilled, B Naturally Aged, D Absolutely Pure, H ff Salt Ik CesrifTe y J. It. BALL. I VaTawajBTargaBaa BEST SERVICE, EQUIPMENT TRACK. VIA The Union Pacific FOR ALL Eastern Points. THREE TB111S DULY THIOUCB CARS U Cblct.t, iiisu citj, st. rut, iiiii- iptlli ; . : Dlnct CttiKtliii for U lut tad Soutieut. : Detailed Informntlon chnerfully ftir-nishrd ftir-nishrd on application. 0, 1. WHKADON, Agent, Coalville, Utah 7 The Salt Lake Tribune mil's tJPgtTMT DHL? HlrTaP4PIB. Refletta tha newe of lha werld, gwa-rl, gwa-rl, itato, county aad eity. TlMII 4 kl I4BKET gkPwBTS Ara fall, fair and oondalv. fUpubli-i ean la ptliiica, It la Jaet.and llprlntaall tha newe, both pnllliral and tomaarelat, althont rear or favor. TflMIS 1 CiRPAISIf TIAI And yoa cannot ba without Tha Bait Lake Trlbun. TERM OP 80BHCRIPTION Dailyand Bnaday Tribune, ooo weak, It ante: Dally and flunday, on month, l 00 ; Hundav Tribune, one year, t UO i Sanday Tribune, III month t,l 00. The Inter-Mountain Farmer and Ranchman Published by Tha Tribune Pnhllehing compeer, will contain aaeh laferaatloa rwpeeUng tha larm and ranch ot Uton, Idno, Wroaini, Davedaand Colorado at will aaaa Invaluable atock rleing, as wall a Bgrlcuiiwea, fralt and flower culture, and tha track garden aad hea-ary hea-ary being peial altantien. It ia 11.00 a Tear la an v a no; la pobliahed every Tueednv. and will ha mailed one veer with THR VVRKKLY TKIBUNB lor $1 M In advanea. SALT LAKK TRIBUNE aloaa, 1.00 AftrntV-SH ALT LARK TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Halt Lake Cltv. PERKY H HKATH, Puhliaber tndlreneral Megr. A FREE VaTTCRN I (rear w ariarilaal a mwt a uriear. Paly m aaaw ta, A LADIES' MAGAZINC. I A pl fcaaviebfajl miwfmt atawgaJI asMaaM H-m ; aV-tonaiaian aaaaaaralgg t law grarfe ; aVtataWanah. Ihl ktojty '! todar. , aawa, m raw aanvaag aajgaa I LMf -. M4 WawiMgMT BfHh, RalUarta, aMaa.kgj. UMg. Jala). atXeaiia-al bVm1 si aatMM raaygatayvrUllghgJ Paptw llt4raVt. a saw lmwt el fwfinlnw aww n law ajt anaa ta. I nlr f aaa t 1 mw I m UiSla rty arvrr T I THE MaCALL CO.. I wvni-m w: Bai at. arajrean. , Wa amaitaly obtain u a an riaiiau . ' VimI akMial, una or k-l.ow U luvvutloe Idv ' i 'fraeeaport oa nalMUUUIT. For rrea book, : SaiTADE-fellSKS ; Oppoalta U. a Patamt Otrloa ; A S H I NGTON P-C; glial . ffiiai-Taa ii'l'i VSTlJ Rot It! tht j Ut laundry toip 'f;, aoi iteori attrait; in pnnluma frat l.!5? CoiepUW Milor o ' evri too Bftnuwnu that -f'v: au bi titunal ey Mvmg vv? ; llw wrayem, haahlat Jv-fHiV hit upee wanl Im4 lL) too a a Mtl M-tf-f cr4 and iM M4 ye tl 4-aea. I Tk -eak ratkHt iJjL Ctaingal, tasn aaka. lea, I i.i,"C-i)a y . J aa r all oVanva H I i At our Store jovl can buy Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Suits of Clothes, Tinware, Flour, Groceries, etc., Cheaper in a! any other Store in ta: ; irwww WW CftSH BARGAIN STORe COALVILLE, UTAH If you are going to white wash your house or do any plastering you should use the very best Lime in the country. We are now prepared to furnish PII LIMB Of the best quality in any quantity. GRASS CREEK LIME GO. 1 Always On Hand at the WASATCH : MINE Lump, ... $2.25 Stove, - - 1.50 Teams LDaM Promptly. Mi PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co UNIUeRSITY 0P (JTftH. ww4rwWwawwwaaa, Th Uninrtilr ol Dtab incluilea the School of Arte and fklencee, tba School ol Minet and the rltata Noraal School. chwal r Arf mm ftfileweaia. tlale Srheel af niaea. Th School ol Arts aai Science ol- The School of Minet offer oooraea in t fere course, la: i. alining Engineering. 1. Beneral Science. 1, Electrical Kngloeerlng. . Liberal Arts. Prenaratar7 klM. tlale !eraal Srkeal. A ?nputiotJ oal ia maintained Tha Normal School offara : which gir preparation for tba course 1. A Four Veare' Normal Uouree. in Ueneral Science, Liberal Arts, Mia- 8. Adranaed Normal Coureea. log and Electrical Engineering, Law, t. Coarse in Kindergarten Training, Medicine and Bualneea. Tha proximity ol great miaee, reduction works of rarioua kinds and power . houses for lbs generation ol electrioltjr ; afford advantages for thorough and practical prac-tical work in mining and electrical engineering, aot enjoyed br ao other school ol mines in tba United Slate. HOP WORK. 14 WOOD AND METALS Student in engineering. eoureee ara gtren two years' work in wood aod metals ia well-equi pped ebopa and undrr the direction ol thoroughly competent machinist. M Al TMAI!II0 AND DOHKIITIC M ICX E are featarea of tha Normal courses. No tuition is charged, hut a email annual regietratioa fee it required. Kegittratiou of student. September Uth and ISth. Arraagementa hare been mane wberebr eludenle from outeide the city nan obtain board and rooms at the Urand facifle Hotel, opposite O. 8. L. R. K. depot. Salt Laae City, at 76 cents a day until they are permanently located. Tbe University Annual, which gives full information eonorning courae, requiramenta for 1-mieeiou, 1-mieeiou, etc., will be tent free oa application to tba UHIYERSITY OF UTHH, Salt Lake City, Utah. A |