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Show COUNTY NEWS. I Items el Interest Gathtrel by Our Correspondents Id Virions Tovns ot County. j MAKIIIN. Mmihh, Utah, Aug. 27, 1 90V!. Xdito Tien: Mrt. Leah Peterton i quit ill t prei- A out. i Joeeph Mitchell went lo Kalt Lake to- ' day on butlneee. Mill Iran Lynch ol Kamat it vieiting with Mitt Olive Lemon. J ' J. O. Smith and wife are making ibeir ! home at Merlon again for e ihort time, j Mre. J. 0. Smith, 11 In Emma Lemon j and Samuel Smith made a trip to Mill i Creek the latter part ol the week. I Miaa Viola Lareon returned home I from Park City on the 21tt after vltittng two weeka with Mite Sadie Jergeneen, MiteLoalta Jennliigt returned to ber home in Bait Lake oa the 24th alter I vieiting with ber aunt, Mre. . Soren- i ton, for tlx weeki. j The Mum Clara Slmtiter and Mattle ( Balmon and Albert and Fraok Stewart I came np irom Coalville to attend the ( dance given at Kamai Saturday night and to aiend Sunday with friende in i Marlon. PXtOA. SPaoa, Utah, Aug, 28, 1002. Euma Tiaaai - The pleaaure eeekere from the lower j valley are now weeding their way home . ery much pleated with their outing. " PeUr Martin, aaaeeeor ef BommllCo., i wae pleeeent caller here a few day ago. It li very probable that Mr. Martin will !' eweeeed hlmaelt In office. 1- ; Ailonre woe hi-),! !UtiAUet'!'baII 4 V. T on 'faueday night ;it wai wot eo muekola '' ' elauoe, the "kida"' predominated and the older onee enjoyed eweetiepoee. j The water commltelonera patted I I t through I'eoa like a thot Irom a gun t j the Brat ol the week and one could not learn a thing from their trip and the ' retulta thereol. I ' 1 Virgie P. Hitkey of Salt Lake City 1 1 . baa been r unletting here for the patt j few days. The gentleman in company I ' with Mite Tena McKniglit returned to Bait Lake on Tveedey. 4 Some of onr farmere think of turning j aaore of their laud into grain and be lie It would be more provable. To ere ; le no doubt but what it would ae bay will be a drug In the market Iroin ell ap-peamncee. ap-peamncee. Alter two montha ol haying the crop 1 )a about gathered in, with the exception of the aeeond crop ol eMail, which will not amount to much owing to tbe acar-i acar-i city ol water. The avaaou bae been an i iarnUneforbayingandthecropbaebeen eecored in Brat claae order. 11. R. . Viae. adiiaruHT RotaroxT, Cuh, Aug. 27, t(K)2. Eurroa Tie : f jl, . RDd Mra. Btembridge ma.le a hue- iueat trip lo Tark City yeaterday. Mr. Lerkin and eon of Ogdeu are wiiit-ing wiiit-ing Mr. and Mre. Biddowey. Mrt. Hortlo. eon and daughter have gone to Croyileo to vitit relative!. Mrt. Bunting aod daughter of Spring-,ille Spring-,ille accompanied Mre. horlin toCroy-den. toCroy-den. Mr. Vernon and eon, Alfred Steio-Lridge Steio-Lridge and Reuben Seamont of thie place are baying on Beaver creek. Willitm Staker bat gone to Heber to et a mar. that '" ,n 'ld e.y pound belonging to Henry Seam- ""mIh Mamie BU.ml.ri.lge. who bae .orklng i" CUjP tTme, returned home on Monday to vittt fcer parent!. Ha. lb. wild wett.ho broke up and ii A female dotted In bloom- C"W Ml and knife In bell, art. with a piiw' . , - . .nir'.teJ bone, peileid and riding "r A through here leat Saturday. Another female timilarly equipped followed driving driv-ing a team. We are looking for the balance bal-ance lo follow. Mra. Gardner, Mre. Whitney and company com-pany of Salt Lake, who bare been on a dining trip durj' gtheeumtnerln Weber canyon, relumed home laat Friday. waxemr. WAXHHir, Cuh, Aug. 2(1. 11)02. Koiroa TtMxe: Miat May Rigby hai taken a trip to Bait Uke. William Crook haa been on the tick lltt tbe laat few dart. Mra. Margaret II 1 1 too hae been quite tick but la able to be around again. Eldredga Anioee Sargent and Henry E. retry were mltiioearlet here Sunday. Mite llattie Lee came out from Salt Lake latt Saturday to vialt her parente. Mlta Rilla Peodleton ie home again. She hae been in Salt Lake for a long time. John Condie le calling on bit many friende here, fie la alwaya a welcome vieltore. Hay eo far It all in the atack and in good condition, and grain la nearly ready for tbe reaper. Mrt. Margaret Illxeoo'i iliten bave returned to their hornet In Eaat Mill Creek after a delightful vltit ot ten dayt. Mre. Rachel Frailer returned today from Salt Lake City, where ebe bae apent tbe laat two weeki. Her granddaughter Mrt. Cto ge Reynold. "Jr., and two children accompanied ber. At Mre. and Mr. H. F. Peteraon were reluming from Oakley latt Friday tbe; loat their little boy't coat. The perron who picked It up will cuofer a favor by returning It to the owner. The entertainment gotten up by Bertha Ber-tha Hixaon ana Mre. Wilton wai well rendered and largely attended . Tbe pre ceedt will materially ewell then ol the dance gotten up by the tame ladiea two weeke ago. Mitt Millie Lee hae a very indutriout cat, Bhebaaduringthetumaierbroaght lo ber fond njitlreae J0 equirrele, eix gophert and eeveral blrdt. Whoee cat can beat that record T UOfTaVILLB. HovTavuxa, Dub, Aog. 28, 1902. Editob Tinea: There will be another wedding bere aeit week. Primary eoaferenc will be bald bote on Sunday Beat. Mre. and Mitt Hamilton of Salt Lake are here vltiiiog relative!. Enoch Brown, Jr. and Mrt. licnjaeaia Drown went to Jordau Tuetday. Fred Linnt and family have gone o Bait Lake to make their home. Junn and Usher Gunn and David Eikelaon have gone on a finning trip oa Bear river. Herbert Crittenden waa made happy WediMteday by the arrival at hit home of a baby girl. Mrt. Kobhine from the eaat it here visiting with her eouiln, Mrt. Martha '.Vilklnt.ui. A number ot our young people will leave on Monday (or Provo, where they will attend achuul thie winter. Mitt Alice Sargent ami Mr. and Mrt. Fieeman Malin have returned home j Iron their trip with the water commle-lionert. commle-lionert. I Mies Ada Brown, Mr. and Mrt. Joeeph rjargeat, Wm. Saruent. Jr., and wile, Charlet Sargent, Andrew Hubeon and (ieorge lloliuet have gone on the grade. TU CUKE A COLD IN ONI DAI j Take Laxative Broruo Quinine Tablett. All druggiatt relund the money it it faili to onre. E. W. Grove'a eignature la on tjuch box 25k-, HBMBrBH. 1 Heparin, Utah, Aug. 28, 1H02..' EDiToaTmaa: Lota ol exrunione tt eaat canyrj Iheee dayt. J The people are all bnty t ha men be veiling and the ladire hopping ei.j oerying. The drouth ttlll eontinuei here , tl range le burning op and eeveral epringf have g"iie dry. The many friende ol Jainei Fowler will regret to learn that b la much ! wnrte at thie writing. Miaa Annie Richina and Mrt. Elba Blackburn returned to their hornet during dur-ing the aeek, the lormer to G route Creek and tbe latter to llrigbam City. |