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Show LITTLt BOY CfFMATED, rire In Monarrli, Sliint , Itraulls In Aalel Tr.ae.17. At Monarch, Mont., flr did demaee to prupertv to the amount of .,imki and caused one death. The fire eras started in the upper story of the store and restaurant nf John llnnsoir and spread so rapidly that there vraa no time lo even remove the honaehold effects of the family from the rear of the buildfiiK. Valentine, the four-yearo1d aon of Mr. Honsoir, waa tipatalra at tha time of the fire aud It la atippoaed that lie itarled It by playing with matchea, as there waa no lire in the htlllillna' any-vliere. any-vliere. The family, nhlch rushed out lu the street and were joined by the rntirc population of the little vlllaite, eere hornlled In hear the aereams of Valentine upstairs In the burnlnv buildinir. Kerry effort net made lo lave the little fellow, but the buildlnK was ao old and burned so rapidly that It vvaa Impossible for any oue to net inside, the building and live. 'Mia parenta were frantic over the Irrrlble traiirdy, but no rescue nas poasible and In a nionieut the little foice was stilled forever. |