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Show THE SORT OP MAN HE .VA8, J Ex-Bpeaker Reed'a Opinion of Ona ( Who Wa Rhr Too Effusive. J Kx Speaker Thomaa n. Heed has a j knack of disposing of disagreeable so- f qualntance that few public men pos- j soss, aa ninny havo learned to their j Intense ehngrln. "I was In Washington once," said I a man at tho duo, "whin Tom Rued was tho cxnr of tho house of repre- J seutntlves. Ho was holding forth with I eiirnestnesa on some theme to a group t of frlnnds when that man you see over t there by the cigar counter pushed hla ! wny through ihn crowd, grasped Heed ' , W dm hand and ac'd effusively: . "llollo.-Tom, old hoy, errw do you do? n "Itofd responded In a manner that waa tiore of a shake for tho man than for Ilia band and went on with hla talk. When our friend over there bad edgod out ot the crowd someone said: ; 'You didn't seem to bo bnipy . over him, lUed. Who 1 your friend, any- t way?' "Hoed drawled out: 'Hc'i a felloar from New York who knows moro mou who don't want to know htm than any oilier uiui In the United Hutes.' " |