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Show -ear-. ATItAUfln JGAPTAIN Cured by Pe-ru-na of Catarrh of the Stomach After Doctors Failed. Hon. J. D. Botkin, Congressman from Kansas Writes an Interesting Letter. CAPTAIN O. llEnTOI.ETTO, Captaln'O. llertolrtto of the Italian Ilarue "l.inccllra," In a recent letter from the chief ofllecr of tha Italian II llarqua l.lnoellra, I'eusacola,. J-'la,, 0 writes: 5l have Buffered tor aeveral yearn B wllh chronic catarrh of tha alomach. The doctor prescribed for ma without jl . my receiving the leant benallt. Through 1 one of your pamphleta I began tha uta of Peruoa, and two botilea have en- 1 tlrely cured me. I recommend I'eruna to all my Mend. "O. llertolrtto. I In calnrrh of tha atumnch, aa well aa i catarrh of any part of the InmIv, IV rtina I !a the remedy. Aa haa been often said I If IVr-una will cur. catarrh of one part, It will cure catarrh of any other jiart of the body. t Catarrh la catarrh whevcr located, I and the remedy that will cure It any- ! where will eure It everywhere. The following letter from OoiigTraa-man OoiigTraa-man ltoikiu six-oka for Itself : Ilol'HK or IlKI'KKOKXTATtVE, ) Wamiunoto, 1), C , Dr. R n. Ilartman, Columhua, O.i My Hear lioctor It irlvcs me pleasure tocertlfy to tliccxcelleiiteuralivefual- IcIiicm I'eruna j asr-yeajw- I and Msnslin. I j wiaMa . leM for a quarter i T of a century with i r catarrh of" thai VfTVA. I atiNitlon. A real- 4 J'M'tT'vrCtf dence In eli- .rflVi 7V'3V7i Inglon haa W jr'J. k treble. Af" bottle of your ' fir v j given me almost complete relief, and I am aure that a continuation of them will effect a pcmianeut cure. IVruna la aurely a wonderful remedy for catarrhal ca-tarrhal affection J. I). Itotkln. Thia U a cane of catarrh of the atom aeh which had run for twenty-five years, according to his statement, and I'eruna haa at once come to hia relief, fimmptlv ai-eoinplUlilng for him more icnent than he had Wen able to find In all other rcmcilira during a quarter of a cent ury. It etun.la to reaaon that a man of wraith and Influence, like a rongresa-man rongresa-man of the great I'nlled Statea. haa left no ordinary menna untried and no atone unturned to II ml a cure. , If auoh cure aa Iicm llo not Tcrlfv therlaim not only that dvapcpala lariue to catarrh of the stomach, but alao that I'eruna will cure ctiturrh of the ntoinach, It la impoaaihlo to Imagine how any evidence could do an. If yon do not derive prompt and satisfactory satis-factory reaulta from the use of I'eruna, write at once to Mr. Ilartman. giving a full atntcuicnt of your rax-, and ho will le pleaaed to give you hia valuable advice ad-vice gratia. Addrca Dr. Ilartman, Vreaident ol The Ilartman hauitatiuin, Columbus, (thia I TAAINTY SUMMER GIRLS USE CUTICURA SOAP avWrd by . V CUTICURA OINTMENT (or preserving, purifying and beuti-' beuti-' lying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for irritations of the skin, heat J rashes, tan, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness i incidental to outdoor sports, for sanative, antiseptic cleansing, and for ' all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. . ... U-Much that all ahould know about the skin, scalp, and hair U told la I I ' the circular with Cuthiuka Hoap. I l DON'T SUFFER I i j When Yavj Can Buy ev Bottle I Mexican Mustang Liniment For MAN OR. BEAST 1 j I1 '1 .k po- SALT LAKE CANDY CO.'S j MOLASSES DAINTIES j 1 ALL flMT CLASH D1AHR ELL TMIM. f j "SnVaRTH" ..SALT A I Re. "OC""R I J F--- AKINO fOWPIH, tXTfAOT AMD BPIOH. ? !i Bri.iAniK Aava. ' aWM I Ou4 ua auw I n i Al I Oitl.BllvM Wl rnrpir LBV 1 ranMrr arrtiHNa o mail naiYri j OGDEN ASSAY CO. XZZ'jSz 1 WSVSK pi fonrowr. nclftihnrbood. Tbt Wettr) Ir-I Ir-I I lou. suwn Hluiuif i'o.t tttl I61U Su, Uenvar. j UTAH JUNK m.ss.csjss: WHY LIVE alOam-.ffi&S T 4TMrry, attui a ptwti liar ia Jtift at Itavu4. B uU, urJr.rw-!Ttiompson'sErBWater j W. NTLL. Salt Lake No. 35. 1003 BUY THE BESTI Thru rnnwir Pi.Avnninn FTitr-ri tr mtvale tliiett frttm tlir hull, iberrbjr rvlMloini Hii lr imturul, M-rfvel flvur. '1'hhki I'Mtmn hfn mrm pur and fraik. Uhkk'I'riivTN 'it kind Powi'M l p'ini, Btroi.tf and wunuiniri.1. t'ru i pr pound. Atk lor llauM Ornmlat, sutl rrfut tl okbr. HEWLETT BROS. CO., SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH i Wticn nnsMerlno ftflverlliscmciitft Klr.dlu I Mention This PaDtr. POSITIONS FOR STUDENTS. One hundred students from the Rait I-ake Tluslneas Collcga, Tenipleton, furnished fur-nished good Kiltlons during pst yenr. Mora than combined record of all other commercial schools In the slate, Literature Liter-ature giving details furnished trco. To Care a foll In One clay. Take jill. Ilninio guliilne Talilola. All druggUu refund uiunry if ti fall u cure, thai Mnthsrflrsy'sNwfM.1 f-nwdsrw far Chlldreai Huoc efully uesd by slot tier Grey, .or, la theClilMren's Home in New York. Curs I'.vertalineaa, Had Htotnarh, Tealhlng Die-orders, Die-orders, move snd rogulnls ths It'iwslsand llaalroy Worms, liver an.iUI iMfmoulsls. Alall riruggisu. ilhs. IHan.pl. KIIKB. Ad-dreas Ad-dreas Allsu H. (Hunted, litoy, N. Y, , 1 Mr.. Wln.low'. ,.hli Hrmn. lllltlBiaim,JfJ entt.imrr.mii ll. s.alMU!, Plao'c Ours-eausot b. too fcleSiy spoke, er ae seoiuk eurs. J. W. o lliusa. azs Taint Arw, K, Misseeyulla. Miss.. Jsa. A Ham Ladles lo V.r ShoM One slse smaller af ler using A I len'a Foot-Ksse.a.nvr'der. Foot-Ksse.a.nvr'der. It makes tight or new shoeersky. ( uresswollrn.hol.awratlng, aching (set, Ingrowing nails, corns ami bunions. All drug-Rlala andahoe stores, fe. Trial package MtKK by malL Addles Ad-dles Alleu 8. Ululated, l-slloy, N. Y. vat. or Ohio, ri-rr or To'-suo, I l,ci aa rousts, ( . frank J Oirnrr iiiaara esib thnt ha ta the eriilur iHirtni-r of lUe Srui ol K 1 t'beney Al'o., dmit kii.lnma In the Cilv of Telnlo, founts aii.lHislesfore.al.l ! lino old Una will pay the eum ot IINK III'MIiHI II INll.l.AKS lor eai-S and rverv cae of fularrh that canuvt Isf cured W II.. Sao ol Ky, Swnea fcl before me and ..liHcr.Kd lu in bxmuim, UilaOlS day uf llof-eiiilier. A It. Ihba, (KZii-l W' ''N.'.V.yV'uhlla ltall aNit.rrbriir la taken luleniallv. and ertittllrectlv on ll.e llUn and murmia aurfaMal ' y j. rliKMiV lAJ., l'ulUu,a a Vauoiy I'illa .rs the beak V CHANGEJF UFeF Somo Sensllilo Atlrlm to 'VTOa i men by Jlrn. F- Sailer. TttAB Mns.-I'lsausy i When 1 f nssned ttirtnitfli vehst is known so .J 'clianuenf lite,' 1 had two years' snf- t fering, soiiilcn iirat, and as quirk , chills would pass over me t my sppetita was variable and I never could tell for i Mna. K. SAti.r.n, ; rrsaltlent German Itrllpf AaanrlaUen, Los Angelea, t's), a day at a time how 1 would feel tha next da. Five Ixittleaof I, yd Its K. I'lukliHin'a Vcgetjililet ouininl changed all that, my (lava lieraine day. of health, and I have enjoyed every day ainee now al x veara. ' We have uacd considerable of your Vegruhle lUmipoiiml in our chnrltable work, as we find that to restore a poor mot her Ul health aoahe can support herself her-self and thoia dependent upon her, If such there be. Is truer rhsrlty than to give other aid. You have my hearty , endorsement, for vou have proven " t yourself a true friend lo suffering' women." wo-men." Mns. E. Ha II. r li. 7:.o , Hill Ht., Us Angeles, Cal. looooa'ell 1sSsaslas. ' i IinmnW la Ml iwlae. - ' No other person enn plve such : helpful atlvlce to xvonien who i nro sick us can Mrs. I'lnkliuin, 1 for nn other lins liatl aiicli vrrat I experli'iue licr mlilrcas la Lynn, Musa., hihI Iior ntlvlce frees If I yon are) alck writei her )ou ar f foolish If you tlon'U I fsfWfl V .-'.-I .... i.t'l , .. .... t . - Keep your saddll m ,? ,,, Trie 0RI61NAU t M' POMMEL yt3csx.-J- 11DEB AMD 3ADDLt Z&'S'ziln&m MACDf nS.ORM ,"-' CATAioaurs rort 3MOWIKS rill L tINt or GAUMI t5 SNPMAT3 A JTOrVER CO.B0STON.MAS. x WAr1TE0-5Sur".il. r.u.7.': Ill'ii'X Ilia lirollla. v, .1.. lot inn,, f. A '.- f MAl.l. I ll.,UOo . KC. lira Molur.. u. I .aaiu. a 1 nan a XrJ ' THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. ISdlltH DAMH. gNUIAN. FULL COl'ttMliH IN C1a cw, Ull4r, Mmtca an) Hitrr. Jour naN.m. Art, Acte-nrok )'krmcy. w. Civil. M.thialctil n4 liW IrKail HMfjIflMrtftf , Arctiltcur. IhurtNiit. Frvparstvfjr i.t) CMrcl Uosaams Pr to l aiiiilrritt mho hava aoref ptail tha itu'tlffi rfwiittrryj tr twlirUlon tali. tii Junior or Mautor Vaar ol m y ot iba Co II a. k-MOourui. k-MOourui. Kam ta Rant, tnm1trafa rterr laatitflartU oVrraVfiitern prf parlnii fori . firlMi (Vmrarw. A llwiUHl Duuil. r.if .JaiilidhUe-.f(jf ttaa Kola hi. t!dad-a M.tl,' f..r baiva urVli-VTi 'rMrakj unit, ti" in iba (Miaiiilntvn'-w of i , Milpu.rnt. Tiia itn Vaar upon lmmbt f. IVOJ, Calalua Ira A Mrni fihV. A. MOUHIfaM'V. C. C. PraMat. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, NOTKB DAUB. IND'.AN (faa ailia mi ar iba l'-iwriir ot intra lm,) Thnntuffh Kngitmh mnH la1r':laaUua lnvlii'hna irf k Iailn. Kim it aini barman, tta rimii.riiriB tb full rura of antniM tiulauU rf.'. a Ht Mulr 4 ollo-fflaL. Iraa Tha t'on.r.at.,r or Jtlualr U VtatluriM oa lh pJ-a ot tba lMt OiaMlrai OonkanaMrlaaol Kurtipf. Tha Art Daparl'ma.itt in mtkeHC after ibt b'ati Art HvhusiJa of Kurtipa. l'rM.rats.r:and Minim lpa.ri mania. Po-ara Po-ara bt carrfallf prrprt1 tor tha Ao t-iuleand Atlfamwd ruuriefa. livmntiua uo iter (llretTttoo of OfKluii or iiatUD Normal Hrbool or (Irmnaatlr. Hrafikkf-ritiua- fbonotr-r-pi.r and Tyr-wriilng -itra Kar vMictyot raef NaatUnworki iausbi. 'or cataluiua aV drew DWfCTRES OP THF ACADTMY. K Mavr'i A4away. tin D w f, &.Ua i All Hallows College ALT LAKI CITY. UTAH I FOR BOARDERS DAY SCHOLARS conouctso av . THH MAHI8T PATHCRS) riaaati-al. fommerrlsl anil Srlrmine reunite f I'n-t.aralol y IM-uurui.i'iit tor oouyer bote. I: MiliUrv llrlll u, ao Armv limcrr ( Syxcal I'ullure l.v an r-rln,c Prof... 1 aor: aidemlld ( I vun.ai.lnni fari Unci,. j Tin- nee aihllnon now In pinvrraa wilt and V ronaid.-ri.Mv u. itii- ai-coniuioiimlii... ot Ute wjj- I lrM. ('ut furthrr parlh-nlaiH. aojiiy le I REV. J. QUINAN. S. M , PaasiosNT. , GORDON ACADEMY , ALT LAK8 CITV , A lllgb.llra.le Hon.. a.l ll.r Krlo4 fur llo. ...tt olrla. . FALL TERM BECINS SEPT. 9 Ne .lormllorv forltl. Oran.n.araaohlitn ark l.-.rlm.'..IH I'n.uiiu.u.l.i,,,!,,,., for III.- alu.ly of l .u.munt.-, t'l.t.l.-ul I m.u..,(, 1 lliaaisg sud Muaw. 'I trnjk nukoiiah |