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Show Fulfillment of a Dream. Corresponding to the Greek templet where the gods appeared to aleepluti Tlaltors and gave them advice, there la today In China, near itwntow, a plsca celled I.lly Mountain, on top ol which Is the shrine of a god known a. the Common Ancestor. Here msny persons go after a throe clays' rsat and pass the ninth night of the nlntn month awaiting prophetic dreams. A scholar thus slept and had a vision ol a man bringing him a pair of boon Blnce boots are worn by none but graduates and officials, he Inferred thst he should soon get his literary degree. Hut years passed without that honor, and then he was attacked by a dlsesse of the feet, and they were painted with tar aa a remedy. He suddenly perceived the fulfillment ol the dresm "my boots at last." Aln. lee's MsgaHne |