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Show OWE MEW CVCLONE STORIES. What lha Wind Recently Acoom-filiahed Acoom-filiahed In Michigan. A Wheatland farmer says that upon entering his plKH-n. Immediately af ter the pasxaite of the cyclone last Wednesday, he was surprised to llo4 wliat be at Drat aupiKwed was a nrw specie, of swine. Ills porkers hsd been drives o full of splinters aa ! be scarcely recoKnlxahle. A man slttlnK In the hack wlnoeer of his resident. Just out of the psta of the twister, saw his cows, srhlck were grazing In a iieluhhorlnn dels, go sailing akywant. They landed oa an adjoining farm and bejtan grazing again. He haa not yet recovered truss his astonishment. "Oo you know Che reason they couldn't find that piano?" asked a man In the barber shop. "1 was si sliding slid-ing In front of the hotel at Manimo Ueach when I heard, something thst sounded like music directly ovcrhesd, 1 looked up and saw a piano going northward over the lake at an elevation eleva-tion of about lull feet. The wind was aKltatlng the keys, and I could die-tliiKuUh die-tliiKuUh the strslus of ' Ain't It a Hlmnie?" I have told a lot of people a bout thia, but they don't seem to believe It." The foregoing storks were gathered I from reliable aourtves. Hudson (Mich.) 1'osl |