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Show Ai TRVB AS COSPU- 1 Love it one kindol oraite and envy li another. Uleneii li the Incubator ol a great many imall alne, On Ibeir own merit moat men thoold keep qalet. The cholteet apple ie alwavt Jutt beyond be-yond your reach. Your Hie len't worth living unlet! you think it It. It ii eaaler to ttart a woman talking than it it to ttop her. bk-ll-inipoctlnn it laid to be a aure cure for lelf-eiteern. A boy'i headuuhe it alway woree juat about ecbool time. The average man decievee hlmtelf of-lener of-lener than be doee otbert. The ty ol tbe tramg.jeior ie often rou(h on the olber fellow. If a mm tayt what be tlnnki belt not likely to be a great talker. A man it alwayt on time when he bat ati appointment with a pretty girl. There ii lotueihlng wrong with a pie if a tuiall boy refuaeta tecond plet-e. Any man ran learu to make mietakee without aervlng an apprenliceebip. II you want In gaiu a woman 'e ever-laatiug ever-laatiug frinndtlilp atk her advice aud lulle it. |