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Show (RCnnLS CAPTURE GUNBOAT. REVOLUTION IN COLOMBIA CEASES TO BE A JOKING MATTER. mm Carrrlfi rtimiMilt inn anrt l.arf ' MntJi of M"'jr t'apiurwl Alter Nlt .rl -n.l I nNnl lli(. iVlall of the capture of the Colombian Colom-bian (fof eminent ffiinlMiat Hoy ara by the loiufyrmia outalde of Panama, hafa been received. The lloynca waa raptured rap-tured Atiifit . -ha iuaurjfent gunboat gun-boat I'adilla, afler a aliort and unequal fltcht, Hhe had on board at the time nearly .hki oMlera under the command of lieorral Kerrero and Kano, who ' were to reinforce tieneral Moratea Itertl at A na lut'e. The lloyaca al - I ao carried nereral catinoua, a aupply of ammanitiou anil a larye aum of mnuey, FlylDtf the Inaurent tUrf, the lloyaca i now (fUatnllnK the entrance to Pana- ; ma harbor. Nothing definite la known on the Uthmue of the aituation of the , goveroiut-nt (rencral, Moralea llertt, at Ague pulcc, but many beliere that ' the $ eneral. after witlmtandliitf a aleue ' of aereral da;,' durlutf which bia ftircve were ubjected, chiefly at night, j to a aevere artillery Hre from the In-I aurgenta, proved the hnpeleaaneaa of reoeiylng reinforcement and auppliea from Panama and waa forced to aur render lo the InnurfrenU. If the reported aurrender of the gov-eminent gov-eminent force a at Ague Dulce la true, the Insurgent general, llerrera la confronted con-fronted by a big problem to provide food and ihelter for aud to control thla large aod htlle element. It 1 thought the Inaurgenta will attack at-tack Colon aoon! Many perauna qtiea tlon the ability of the Imoirgenta to hf1 tolon if they attack and capture that port, uwing to the fact that they Miaiti no gonUoele on tha Atlantic aide of the iilliiniM. Tlie government ta eiideavitrlng Ut purchaM another war vc.iel in the I nked Male for una on the Pact tic coast. There ia at prea-eut prea-eut du foretgu man of war at Colou, |