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Show THE GRAPEVINE FIDIA. Iwraa tka UarM, wwt P Ita Waawe Wavtl rhw Baa. Ta trapa roat wara ta doing darnel darn-el la both Ohio and New York by gnawing tha bark froa larga roota and fwadlng aa tha rootlata af rlaaa. Thla la tha larva af tba (raparina gdla, aad Ita work haa anly rocvntiy becoaa vary aotlcwabla. During mldaummxr tba taaraa of tba grapa ara rraqoaaUy riddled with tr-rr tr-rr ruler kola by tba attarka of a little bexie which wbaa diaturbad falla to tha ground with Ita hvaja foldad op aawlnat Ita body, fa4(nla death or "playing poaana." Tha boat la la about a quarter of aa larh tone rather r baat and of a browa color, aomawhat wbltaaad by a daaaa eaTertag af yal-lawlah yal-lawlah wklte hair. rHwinT tha Injury In-jury to tha follaa- tba rlnaa may ba aipantod. If tha bewtlaa kare baaa h i A m ptDia rmoiD. (a, kaatte: a. aaaa reacwMnted uaaar a fold at bark ana araoli ealare4 al the an; fauna larva; 4. Pall frwwa hurra; a, puaa; all eaaanad 1 abundant, lo praaant alckly appear-anca, appear-anca, with checking of growth and ultimate ul-timate dat dua to tha reading la tba root of tha larva, which aa they hatch fall from tba bark af tba tra to wblcb tba egta wara attached aad enter tba aoll near tba baaa of tba Tina. Thay feed aa tba roota and completely denude tboa of bark to a depth of at leaat ana foot bloat of than reach full growth by tha alddlr at Aaaoat and couatrurt llttla eella In tba null, ta which thay hlbwraata until June of tha followtaa rwnr, wbaa thay Chan- to pupa, from which tha bao-tlea bao-tlea amerce. Moat of tba adulta dla-appaar dla-appaar by tba lat of Aua-uat, a few arartarlng Individual remaining aatll tba lat of Beptemtier. It la arid aot that If tba baotla caa a promptly eitsrmlnatad tba Injury to tba fotlera will ba limited and the eilbaaquaut much greater damai to tha roota by larva will b avoided. Tba flrat effort tbarafora ahould ba to affect tha killing of tba baatlea, which may ba dona by tba iwe of an araeulcal epray with lima, applying It at tba cue UJUat to luf Ann aotra. tomary atrauartb of ou pound to 100 gaiiooa of watar. Tba feeding of the baatlea on tba upper aurfaca of tba leavee nakea them eepectally eaay to aontrol by thla mean. If thla b deterred de-terred until It hi uuaafe to apply an araenlral to tha vluee, tha beetle may ba collected aud dnetroyed In tba earue Biauner aa ruee cbafera. Aa effective remedy. If applied before tha larva have acattered. ta to wet tha aoll about tha rlnaa with a aolutlou of keaoaene amulalon. Tba amulalon ahould ba dl- j luted nine tlmea aud a illon or two of tba mlitura poured la a baaln ai-car ai-car a tad about tba baaa of tba vine, ' waahlng It down to greater depth an hour afterward with a coploua watering. water-ing. ataa Tp Foe raaa. Bad top (Aruatla alba), already aa-tabllabad aa-tabllabad la placaa la northern Nevada and southern Oregon, could without doubt ba mora ettenalvely Introduced hi many of tba mutator bottom landa. luetancea have boon cited where It waa making a rood crop, aad It will without doubt (row well on the low. landa wherever tba native clover abound. It la pronounced by ei parte ou of tba moat pronitalng planta for tha Improvemeut of portloua of tha bottom landa. No finer quality of bay oouid ba dcalred than that which la furnlahsd In locallllea at tha praeeut by that grew aad tha native dovara. |