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Show OUR COMMERCK WITH CUBA. aiHirr I'wMUkaat bf Inaular llvUIa f Hr IMrlweMl' The Inaular dlvlalon of the war department de-partment baa juat publlahed Ita aum roary of the commerce of the Uland of Cuba, The aummary ahowa that the total value of Imporia Into Cuba dur lug the military occupation waa l,."'.',-417,1.1'., l,."'.',-417,1.1'., and theMirta were IA,0(M,-ix IA,0(M,-ix hi Iraa than the hnportallona, a fact attributed to the deairuatloa of prop arty and daman lo agriculture oauwil by the war. The 1'nlted Htalea furnUhed 41 per eent of the In. port a and took 7. per cent of the e(Miria. Tracllcally all the augar went to tha United Htalea. The balance of trade waa decidedly In favor of Cuba, though not aa great aa In former yeara, and It la remarked that tha trade of the l olled Kiatea baa not kept pace la any of the l atlit'Amerlcauj counlrle with tla wonderful atrldca lu other parta of the world. |