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Show HIS PRIDE WAS HURT. And Frenchman Threatened to Take a Mean Revenge. A story waa told at a recent dinner or a New York literary club which poci hack lo the time when a certain famous man was governor of Maaaa-rhuiiflts. Maaaa-rhuiiflts. Tho tale aounda like a revival re-vival of a newspaper yarn contemporaneous contem-poraneous wllh lis hem. At any ru'.e. It is worth retelling. Along a country road In thn north nf Maine plodded a French-Canadian with a trained bear, making his way to a county fair. At a crime mud ho met a long whiskered yankee driving mnlo. They nodded to each other and were continuing on thulr waya when suddenly the Frenchman pricked prick-ed np hla ears. "O'long there. Napoleon!" tho farmer farm-er drawled to hla mule. The Frenchman stopped short and listened again. "(lit ap, Napoleon," called the yankee. yan-kee. "I ssy. ma fren." called the Canadian, Ca-nadian, bringing hla bear to a halt, 'what for yon call re thackasa Ma- pobKin?" "That's his name," replied the tamer. tam-er. Indifferently. "Well, he la no name for a shack-ass. shack-ass. Napoleon waa a great general." "Ho'e my mule." replied the other, food-natttredly. "Ocd.lap. Napoleon." The Frenchman lost patience. "Look 'ere. me fn-n," he aald. "you call lat lhackaaa Nuo!eon wance more (lure, I tell yon w'at I do. You ace tat bl:k bear? Wall, I poke his one eye out an' call him liuu Duller." YouUa'i Companion. |