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Show Not Impresssd by Title. Back In the summer of 1871 Benjamin Benja-min llarrlaon, with a party of four-ten four-ten made up of nicmliers 'Of his fsmlly snd some friends, started from Hye "each. N. II., for Center Harbor. To. neighborhood was then ery popular wllh tourists, and he thought It well o telegraph ahead for rooms. As he was about to sign tha telegram, be SJil.l to friend: "1 never make use or my title ln-t believe) In that aort of thing; but well, do you think we'd fare bet-ler bet-ler If j wrote 'Oeneral' before my name? Do you think they'd take cans that we gut nice rooms?" "Certainly J" was the Mend'a reply. The sii. waa sent. When the psrty "f fourteen arrived, the ladl.-a were old at the htu that he could give hem palleta on the parlor floor, while the men could get nothing belter than side by side c!ialrs In the reception-room, reception-room, (ten. llarrlaon never again tried make an Impression by using bit i-tle. |