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Show I The World Is Too Much with Us. i Tht world li too must with ua, lato and f Oettlrur and apandlaa;. wo lay wants our mS powrra; jjT IJttla wa aa In nnturo thai la oura; Wa hava irtvan our fiaarta away, a aurdld boon I m This ar that barao har bosom to tha f W Tho winits that will bo hcwlln at all houra, a And ara up-rntharad now Ilka alaaplnf For thia, for averf thing, wo aro out of a r tuna; It mnvfi ua not-1raat Ood' I'd rathf-r bo A I'aaan BuvkiM in a crao-l ouiwoni. w B.t miiht I. Rtandlnir on this ilMnt 1a, f A Hava glima that would tnaka ma Uaa Jft llava ataht of Hroteus rtalng from tho f Or hrar old Triton blow hla wrvathad f r William Wardawortb. r |