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Show THE OLD RELIABLE POVBSR Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE LOCALS AND PERSONALS. Puti an llnd toll All. A grievona wall oflimei cornea at remit ol unbearable pain row over taxed tax-ed organt. Liiiiioeet, backache, liver complaint and conitlpation. But thanka to Dr. fCing't New Life Pillt they put an end to it all. Tbey ara gentle but thorough. Try them. Only 26c. Guaranteed Guar-anteed by Jubn Boyden A Son, driifgiili. Advertise your goods iu THE TIMES. )Ut t Credit!. Eutof William Bteventon, deceated. CreditorteiU preaent their claim! with vcurbni to tbe ondertlgned at ber realdence it Ecbo, Bnramil county, Uub, on tf before the aecond day ol December,!. D, 1003. Licv BravtaeoK, Adminlitnlrlx ol tbe eitate of William Buvtnioi, deeaated. Dawefflrit publication July 81, 1903. C. A, Callii, attorney for admlnitlratrix. M or Cea4 er Colle lIM rkrtlalaa't retewl Bad telle. My boy wbea four yean old waa taken with collet and cramp in tbe ttomacb. I aent for the doctor and be injected oiorp'.lne, but tbe child kept getting wore. I tbea gave bin half a teaipoon-ful teaipoon-ful ol Cbiisberlain't Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and In half an boor he wat ilerping and loon recovered. F. L. WaxiM, Bhell Uke, Wit. Mr. Wll-klm Wll-klm It book-keeper lor the Bhell Lake Lumber Co. For tale by John Boyden k Boo. , WANTED BEVERAL PEKt-ONS OF character and good repuuiion in eat b ule (one iu ttiie county requirt-djto n-prewlit and advertiae old evlublirlied w-althr bimneet hniia of aolid financial Handing. Balary weekly witb ei-pvnrrt ei-pvnrrt addition!, all payable in carb dnect each VV,ut-iday Irom head oflicet HorMi and carriue Iiirniahed when nec-eaary. nec-eaary. K-leremet. Eucloae iell-td-dretard envelope. Colonial Co., 334 Dearborn Hreet, Chicago. Mot Over-Wlee. There Iran old allegorlal picture of a girl acared at a greea-bopper, but In the act of herdlt-trly treading on a make. Thit It partlled by the mau who tpenda a largt tutu ol money building a cyclone cellar, but nrglecta to provide bit family with a bottle of Chamberlaiu'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at a tafrguard agalntt bowel complain'.!, wbote victim outnumber thoee of the cyclone a hsndred to one. Thit remedy il every" hure recogniietl aa the moit prompt and reliable medicine In na lor iheae ditewn. For tale by John Boyden Boy-den A Bon. i People's Mercantile Company. : DEALERS IN ; General Merchandise. ALMA ELDREDGE. Manager. ' : j i i IflOiiPGIj ; Visible Typewriter Is the Most Practical Typewriter for School or Business Purposes, ' BECAUSE Tile vriti-r il "ri?;Vit fotW yee.t eyn1'- viM )l.t- .. t' vHV:"". V ""' "' nevcif been accoinplislied hy a .stand.inl, liij-li t-rrd. 'I'"i -a . i until cow. It ii accomplished iu the UKjDR W0C1) tiLt.t.iiciy and practically without the sacrifice of single previous cxitling advantage, but with the addition of many others never bcfoie-obtainable. bcfoie-obtainable. i-e.ai iieaaa.we-awjveA W-it'iirwitwv8 It hat a Tabulator which la a part of the machine. Oihert charge extra for this. Ita Margiiml Stupa arc all in front. IU type are cleaned In an inntaiit wilbotit anillng the hanili. It Inia an Imlividiuil key Tvnalon w hich permit of the I'mfurin Adjiialiueut of all keya. The . ! carringe it full ball It tring. Cnrreciloiit chii be uuule In an limtuiit without connultlng a acitle. No cuirmge to lift tu are if you have liindc i yourcorrectinu In the right place, lla Light A":n. F.uee of AiljiiHt- Uient and Simplicity, miike It the eaaleet to 'i -aaient vo oprrnte ; and leitnt purU to get out of order. II la the Mewl Durable Typewriter mude. OperaUira aave from '2 to 113 per cent, of tl4 time ow ing lo theae advautngea. THE UNDERWOOD is the only typewriter that ever re- , ceived the ofiScial endorsement of the Private Commercial School Manager's Association. The above Awnelntlon la conipoted of the ownen of the leading Dnalnea College of the country. wwwwi . II Ii bat doing jEitice tt joonelf lo lnmtlgiittj U miUi of tbe UNDERWOOD Typewriter befor buyluj. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER AGENCY, General ngentg for Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, . Oregon, Washington and Colorado. It'M for Columbia Phonogrtpb Co'i, Product. Wrlli For Clrtolin. ' Mil Wasblngton Arc, OGDEN, UTAH. ' Perfumed and Medicated Soaps For toilet and bath. A new line; the most complete ever displayed dis-played in the city. 5 cts to 35 cts per cake. Try our "Crown Castile," 5 cts John Bojdea 3 Son. |