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Show Tim HORN'S LATEST MAKES DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO . BREAK JAIL. H and a Companion Overpower Jailer and Make Their Escape, Only to B Recaptured. Tom Horn, th condemned murderer nf Willie Nlckell, the ranch 14 who waa assassinated two years ago Inst month, and Jim McCloud, the fllg Horn county dosporado, who I alleged al-leged to bare murdered Ren Mlnnlck, th Rig Horn county sheepman, and committed other crimes for tho cattlemen cattle-men of that soctlon for pay, cacaped from th Laraml county, Wyoming, Jail at 8:30 o'clock Sunday morning, but wore recaptured near th Jail within a few minutes after they roachnd the outside. McCloud wna slightly Wounded In tho left thlch, and Horn wns badly boston on the head and neck by the men that captured blm. L'nder Sheriff Sher-iff R. A. Proctor wna beaten up by the desperado, but Is attending to duty. A general fire alarm waa sounded, sound-ed, which brotiRht thousands of peo-plo peo-plo Into the streets, and th news that Horn had escaped spread ilka wildfire. Men and boys hurried to tho Jail with rifles and pistols and Joined In th pursuit of the outlaws. Horn was oapturr-d by Theodore Aldrlrh, who fired several shots at the mur-dorer. mur-dorer. Horn waa exhausted, but received re-ceived ft terrible bunting at tho bands of Aldrlrh. McCloud wna trnllod to ft barn and cnmpollod to surrender. Attempts were made to g?t the prfn-oners prfn-oners away from the offlceia, but a determined de-termined stand by tho latter and tho influonco of tho conservative men prevented pre-vented mob violence. Horn haa boon 1 planning for several months to over- powor Jailer Proctor at feeding time In the morning, and Sunday morning the long walled opportunity arrived. Horn asked Proctor to bring a cup of water, and as tho oilier opened tho door of the corridor of the cage In ehlrh Horn and McCloud were confined, con-fined, they threw their welr.ht ngiluxt the door, pushed It open and oprang nut upon tho Jailor and boro blm to tho floor. After a terrible struni'e with rroe-tor. rroe-tor. In which McCloud wns shot In th thigh, tho two men escaped from th Jail only to be recaptured. |