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Show XKWS SI'MMARY. Malm! McKlnliy him loft tho tttcn for good, owing lo the. objections ,-if her fiiilmr anil li 11 -t.nnd. Humor thnt an attempt had boon m 11. 1., upon Iho llf of King Alfonso of Spain In denied i.inrlnlly. Newt Farla. of Kansas City, while drvtik. Bttarki-d h I h wife with a chair when h!i9 shot lilm Ihmugh the heart, A flail boat having on board six tnon capslcd la ween Vallcjo anil llenlolH. Cnl, on KutKlay, four being drowni'd. The pnwiK'ct (ma ,-ivornhlc fur a strll.o, which may eventually spread to nil th! mines In the Cripple Creek. 'olo, district. A ihho la searching fur Thomas Arthur, who. It la charged, nasaae!-natoil nasaae!-natoil Andrew Colllna at Straight Ky, while Iho latter wan asleep, fly tho explosion of a nltro glycerine tiinca.lno at Hlitfft.in, 1 n.l . throe employee em-ployee worn blown to pieces, tho prop-r'v prop-r'v loau boliiR tipwnnlH of iJii.otlO. Tho rush of Jowb from llula to .America la IncruaaluK. During tlio month of July from ten to twelve fnm-illca fnm-illca loft Itiislsa dally foi the lanl of i tho free. I Mra. John Scott of Pittsburg la tho I mother of trlplota, lorn laat wi-ck. I TUoy will bo nnmoil Theodore Ilooe- I volt, (irover- Cleveland and Allro I Five poraona wore) knocked sonsn- I ,loaa by light nltiK, several buildings I wern burned nnd clilmnoyi, (roes and I fotiros woro leveled by a itorm at I Mlxhawaha, Ind. I Sheriff U M. Williamson of Do I Soto county. Mississippi, la dond aa I tho result of a pistol il'iol wUh Conn- I ty Surveyor Moody. Tho men qnar- I roh d ovor politics. I Oovnrnor Mickey of Nebraska haa I wppolnled W. J. Ilryan una of tho six- I ty-two dolcgnti, from Nebraska to the I National Farmers' CoiigrcKa at Nlng- I arn Falls. So). 21. I A dispatch from Balnnlra aaya M. I Monnstlr. him boon Hhot and killed I by a Turk whom tho conio.il re- I proved for fnllnre to salute lilm. Do- I tails of tho aKsasaliintlon nro lacking. I A masked man entered a sntoon on I tlio mnln street of Tucson, Arlroua, I one day Inst wook. walked up to tho I fnro tank nnd relieved tho dealer of I 4700 In gold coin, making his escnpa, I lo i flro In a dwelling at Ilonkon- I kama, L. I., occupied by Commander I D. C. Stuart of tho navy, a servant I -was burned to death, and anotuor ao- I rloualy Injured by leaping from a win- I luw. . 1 During tho tunoral serTlcoa over tlio I remains of IS. Kaulfus, at La Crosso, I Wis, tbo floor of ono of tlio rooms I cava way, precipitating about thirty- I lira persona Into the cellar. Several I woro hurt, but none seriously. I la a flKht between deputy United I Status msralinla and a gang of out- I laws, that took plaea In tho Oango I Nation, ono outlaw was killed, another I seriously wounded and Wiley Haines, I deputy maralial, fatally wounded. ' I John W. Ikaikwnlter, of Sprlnxllold, I O, Is a candldsto for United Btntes I aouator. to succood Senator Hanns. Tbls atiniunciment was made Saturday Satur-day by Harvey Corner, chairman of tli "lllg Klvo" ornanlilug comnilttoo. It Is reported that In several vil- Ilagea of Uio vllayst of Okhrlda the Bulgarians have risen agnlnst tholr Turkish neighbors and have massacred massa-cred thora. A Bulgarian band 1,400 strong Is threatening tbo bridge at Lagrove. Tbo police bare not been able to ' discover the sllKhtest trace of Wil liam B. Allen of Doston, who left thnt city with a shortage of $80,000 In tha accounts of the preaohora' aid fund of the M. K. church, of which ha wai treasurer. t Convict James Roberta, on of the band of fugitives from the ' Folsom prison, wss captured at Davlavllla, Cal, Wednesday. Ha was dressed as , , . a tramp and carried a roll of blankota. ' He won rncoKnlzod while trying to purctiSHO food. The Servian government Is arranging arrang-ing to pay tho debts of tho 1st King Alexander and Queen Drnga out of their aatatns. The debts amount to $80,000 and the aggregate value of the stntos Is $140,000. Tho surplus will --go to tlio bslrs. Simon llookor and wife woro mur-I mur-I dorod noar Winchester, Tonn., and tholr home burned. It Is believed the I erlmo was committed by owners of a "wild cat" distillery, booauso the ' Hookers had told the rovonuo olUcera of their locution. JudRO G -f-gory of Albany, N. T.. In rojectlng un application for naturalisation naturali-sation liu.t wiili, said: "I will not naturalise any ono who comos before me and Is unaldo to ipeak tile Kng-llah Kng-llah Int'B.DiKe siiinriently to mak hlinRolf understood." An plinlon of oil at tho Dicker-s Dicker-s n co:il mine at Union. Ind, Saturday Satur-day artcrnoon caused a lire which d! Stroyod tlio tlpp'o anil eU-etrlc ll;:hl plant. There were fir. men working In the plant, but nil not out - fe'.y. Iks tire daf not u.. Into tho u.ina |