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Show HKI.lK lla.araa. I leu, Aug. 12, l""l-Enmia l""l-Enmia Tiaae: Hcrrlrr and Iv.rtervllle p!ayad a game - haee bell on ih ; the rcore wa 7 to IK in fav-ir nl llenefer. Horn, Aogot i'th, to the wile of J. W. Kicl.inr, a daughter. Mother and child O.ii t ic aril. Thome. Copley and KoWrt Walker ol Coalville and .loteph Harrienf Ihla plare were the apeaker here on Sunday laat. Mar'ied, at Cr.alville. Anguat lllh, Mia Jrarie Ieenn, to Mr. Helier llen- aeler, I'reit. i. W. Young performing the cerenmiiy. The many friend of ll.e yo ung couple ili them j"y and her.pi-ai'ia her.pi-ai'ia during Ihelr mariied life. The Hnmlay arhrw.l pic nic of the Hen-elrr Hen-elrr and Croidrn achnol on the aih wat a great turrcai, nx ially and financially. At the dance at night, afier paying all ipenaet, ll7.Su wat cleared lor lb benefit ol the llenefer arbool. W will return the' viiit to Croyden th Brat week in Heplember. A great number of llenefer people went on the cirurtion to Fallair today, but tbey were greatly annoyed by having hav-ing to go to Kiho for tli keta Ihl morning. morn-ing. Tbe people here aboald refine to take part Kthere affair nntil uch time a lhy can get treated with civility and rece've the Mine accommodation a ar obtained by people at other nitre. Th 1 matter thonld not teat nntil a change I I ceompllrhed. The Primary aaaeciatlon held their annual an-nual laat tight. I'lculc waa terved, a program given and gamea played; all the children preeent had a good time. Ruber! Jone ha been Uite lick during dur-ing the week. |